101) Reflection

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Alec watched as Magnus chased the kids around their garden, they would be 10 years old soon and the two men would be celebrating their 11 years anniversary together. Alec sat thinking about their lives together, from the moment they met to were they are now. From the day he sat opposite Magnus on that train, to now watching their twins rushing around and darting Magnus's grip as he tried to catch them.

To everyone looking in it was perfect and for the most part it was, but they had still hit a few bumps in the road like most marriages, but they always seemed to work it out. Alec still remembered every big row they had and now laughed the thought, remembering how much of a big deal it seemed at the time and now it was insignificant. Apart from one time. One row Alec would always look back on sourly, and he suspected Magnus would too.

It was about 2 years ago, Alec had started to open up another store. Since the reopening of the original, Alec was doing really well for himself and was able to buy the second store with the money he, himself, earned. Now all he had to do was find someone to run it.  Starting the interviews, it was then that he met Steve, a similar man to him. Loved Animals, enjoyed the hustle of New York, and had run a store before so he knew what he was doing. Alec however, being a first time employer like that, wanted to make sure that Steve was well equipped.

The two men worked tirelessly throughout the days, Alec showing him every single detail on what to do and how to do it the way he liked. In Alec's head, if the store was run the exact same way, no difference at all, then it should be a success. However these long night had become difficult to Magnus. Especially when he brought the twins to surprise Alec and saw them both laughing with each other, turning around and taking the kids to get some ice cream before taking them home.

It went on for about 2 weeks, Magnus becoming more and more suspicious until he followed Alec one day after dropping the kids off at school. Watching through the window across the street and seeing the way Steve would touch Alec's arm and they would laugh and joke. Magnus getting more upset the longer he watched because he was sure there was something going on.

That night, when Alec had come home exhausted again, Magnus had sent the kids to Izzy's to try and see if the theory in his head was right. When Alec came home, Magnus tried to seduce him, considering they hadn't been together for a while he hoped Alec would just at the chance. However when Alec pulled away and said he was too tired, Magnus had lost it. Accusing Alec of cheating on him with Steve and telling him all that he saw. Alec shouting back that Magnus was out of order for accusing him of something so absurd and that if Magnus didn't trust him then maybe he should leave, that had turned into another row about who was taking the kids.

It had finally ended at dawn when both men broke down and cried, Magnus telling Alec how he was feeling and why he had thought that way and Alec telling Magnus why he was working late and why he felt the need to explain everything to Steve. Alec had even laughed with Magnus over the fact that Steve was fucking irritating and his jokes where shit but Alec just fake laughed because he was good at this job and he would be gone soon. Alec only needing to check on him every few months.

However, even now as he sat in the garden watching his family, Alec got saddened by the thought that his actions had made his husband that insecure to think he was having an affair and that they almost had split up because of it He had been trying to make it up every since despite Magnus telling him that it was his fault and he shouldn't of jumped to conclusions. Trusting Alec's intentions and love more. Either way, both had spent the next years and even now trying to do everything to show each other how much the other cared and loved them.

Now they was happy, not even having a small argument since that explosive one due to them telling and talking to each other about everything instead of letting it build even a little bit that could risk a row. Even talking about renewing their vows and maybe having another baby. Either way, they always knew they would be ok as long as they had each other.

Alec thought about his family and how they were getting on, Izzy about to have her 3rd girl and Simon saying that they aren't stopping until he gets a boy. That had been an hilarious debate one night. Clary and Jace had gotten pregnant and had another boy, Abdu becoming a doting brother to Jonathon, named after Jace. Which had also set the boy talk off again for Izzy and Simon. He loved his girls more then anything and wouldn't change them but he wanted a boy.

Alec was pulled from his thoughts when he was suddenly coated with water and looked up from his chair to find Magnus, Maggie and Marcus all bent over laughing hysterically as Magnus spray him with the hose. Alec narrowing his eyes and rushing over to them, fighting Magnus for the hose as they all got soaked before Magnus dropped it and Marcus snatched it, running around the garden as everyone tried to stop him, only to spray them in the face when they did.

Magnus and Alec had worked out a trick to getting the kids to stop what they was doing when they wantedby them grabbing each other and kissing each other softly. Both kids stopping and pulling faces while muttering 'ewww' long enough that they could grab them quickly.

Alec only stopping and smiling as he cuddled Maggie to him, watching Magnus and Marcus doing the same, as he thought about how one metro journey could of changed his life so much. How if he had walked that day instead of taking the metro, he wouldn't of met Magnus, maybe. How much he was in love with the man he met, and his beautiful children.

How one man changed his life.

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