27) Arguments

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Alec woke up to a pounding on his door and Magnus shouting his name, but the thumping in his head was worse. The alcohol and last nights event hammering into his brain as if some one was banging him over the head with it constantly.

"Go away" Alec croaked out.

"No let me in. You've not been answering me. I'm worried" Magnus called back through the door.

"I'm fine. Go away and leave me alone" Alec shouted back placing a pillow over his head and trying to drone Magnus out but it not working.

"Alexander I'm not going anywhere until you open this door" Magnus exclaimed and stated to continuously knock on the door.

"Arghhh! Fine!" Alec moaned pulling himself out of bed and opening the door before walking away and laying back down in the bed. "What do you want?"

"Why are you being so off with me?" Magnus asked.

"No reason.. just hungover. Drank to much" Alec said, not wanting to mention the kiss but hoped Magnus would tell him instead. "How was your night with Camille?" Alec sat up and looked at Magnus hoping to gauge his reaction.

"Boring.." Magnus said, but avoided Alec's eyes.

"Oh really? Nothing interesting happened? Nothing you want to tell me?" Alec asked, narrowing his eyes at Magnus.

"Nope. Just at some food. Then tried call you but went home" Magnus shrugged.

"Hmm..." Alec said glaring at him now. "Are you sure nothing happened?"

"No Alec, why do you keep asking me?" Magnus was starting to panic under Alec's stare.

"Get out!" Alec shouted, he'd had enough. Magnus was lying to him and after everything they had spoke about, about trust and honesty, it was a kick in the teeth that Magnus would lie to him.

"Excuse me?" Magnus asked looking wounded.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Camille would love to cosy up to you and comfort you after our break up. Now leave!" Alec stood up and walked to the door. Opening it wide for Magnus.

"Camille? You said you didn't mind me going out with her? Why are you breaking up with me? I haven't done anything" Magnus snapped, not moving a muscle.

"You haven't done anything? Well actually I suppose I can't get too angry after I tried to kiss Jace last night.."

"WHAT? YOU TRIED TO KISS JACE?" Magnus shouted, his blood boiling.

"WELL YOU KISSED CAMILLE!" Alec screamed back.

"H-How.. how do you know about that?" Magnus asked, taking a step back and his anger disappearing replaced by regret.

"I went to the restaurant to meet Jace and saw you two. I saw you kissing. Then you come here and lie to me?" Alec said, trying to stop his tears from falling.

"Alexander... I-I'm sorry..."

"I don't care. I don't want to hear it... just leave" Alec demanded.

"No not until we talk about this!" Magnus said stubbornly, crossing his arms.

"Fine then I'll leave" Alec spat out, grabbing his keys and phone before starting to walk out the door when Magnus grabbed his arm. "Let. Go. Of. Me" Alec bit out between gritted teeth.

"No. Not until we talk about this" Magnus pulled Alec back in and shut the door, standing in front of it so Alec couldn't leave.

"Okay fine. Lets talk about it... how was it? Did you enjoy her lips and her taste?" Alec said throwing his phone across the room as tears streamed from his eyes.

"I didn't kiss her. Yes she kissed me, but I pushed her off!" Magnus shouted.

"Hesitated though didn't you? What was it? Because she's a girl and you've not slept with one in a while? Or have you been cheating on me this whole time!" Alec snapped, feeling like he was going to be sick.

"She took me by surprise but I told her I loved you but fuck you for thinking I've been cheating. Do you really think I'm that type of person?" Magnus said looking wounded.

"Well no I didn't but then I saw you with her and... now I don't know" Alec whispered out feeling defeated by everything.

"Alexander. Listen to me. Camille was out of line and I told her so, I love you. I want to be with you. Please don't let this come between us. Please" Magnus stepped forward and took Alec's hands pleading him with his eyes. "Please forgive me... I'm so sorry I lied to you but it didn't mean anything and I didn't want to hurt you. Please Alexander"

Alec looked back before removing his hands and taking a step back. "No... I don't know. You kissed her. You told me she meant nothing to you then you do this. I know I fucked up with Jace but... but I was so hurt and lost and the alcohol. I just lost my head. You knew what was going on. You knew that I would of been at home waiting for you to come home to me so we could make love, but you decided to let her kiss you.." Alec felt the anger rising again as he snapped at Magnus. "You need to leave... right now!"

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