19) Three Words

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Magnus laid on the bed his hands over his face trying to figure out what to do, listening to the sound of the water running and wondered what Alec must be thinking about him at that moment. His normal go to was to just pretend that it didn't happen and brush it off but for some reason he didn't want to run or hide his feelings. He wanted Alec to know how much he meant to him. Deciding to wait for Alec to have a few moments to himself to shower, he went in search of clean linen to change the bed.

Alec put the water on to the hottest he could stand. Letting it spray all down his back as he rested his head against the shower wall. The words running around his mind and trying to convince himself that he hadn't heard them really, it was just a mistake but he knew he was lying to himself. He felt the same about Magnus but the little voice in the back of his head kept telling him not to mention it to Magnus because it was just a heat of the moment thing, he didn't really love Alec and knew he was unlovable. Finally trying to pull himself together, he took a deep breath and cleaned himself. Wrapping a towel around his waist he walked out the bathroom.

The first thing Alec noticed was Magnus now in just his boxers, laying on the bed but then he noticed the clean bedsheets and smiled before joining the older man on the bed, laying down to face him. He wasn't going to mention what was said because he didn't want to ruin the moment.

"How was your shower?" Magnus asked.

"Great. Do you want to go for one?" Alec responded.

"Yes please... if thats okay. Listen, erm... what I said, during.." Magnus started.

"Forget it... It doesn't matter" Alec interrupted. Now standing up to get Magnus a clean towel for the closet. "Here you go... use anything you want in the shower" Alec tossed him the towel and he headed back into his closet for some night time stuff. When he returned, Magnus was gone and the sound of water came from the bathroom.

Leaving some night stuff on the bed for Magnus he went into the kitchen to make himself and Magnus a drink, needing to rehydrate after their night together. He wasn't sure what him and Magnus would talk about when he came back but for some reason, the thought of the man leaving gave Alec a deeper sadness then he cared to admit.

Alec was sitting their sipping his water, thinking about what Magnus had said and staring into space. In his mind, he thought about all those dark thoughts he had has a kid and was no reliving them, despite his mother and sister, he didn't have a great start in life when he was at school. He had spent years trying to cover up the rough schooling he had, nobody knew what he had been through and he didn't want to talk about it with anyone. However, Magnus's confession of love in the bedroom kept bringing the mean words he experienced. Max was what saved him from himself, the moment his brother came into the world, Alec screwed his head on and got back into fixing his life.

He didn't register that Magnus had entered the room until he stood in front of him and clicked his fingers in front of his face to get his attention. Startled, he shook away the thoughts in his head and smiled at the man in front of him with his damp hair that hung over his head, just brushing his eyebrows. He loved Magnus wearing make up but right now, he looked absolutely perfect to Alec.

"Oh, hi, sorry...." Alec said. Passing the glass to Magnus.

"Thanks... penny for your thought?" Asked Magnus, taking a sip of the cool crisp water that satisfied his thirst.

"Its nothing" Alec said a bit tersely before changing his tone. "Sorry.. how was your shower?"

"Ok. And lovely thank you. Listen... Erm... do you want me to go?" Magnus asked looking down at his feet, not wanting to meet the younger mans eyes in case he did have to leave and knowing it would break his heart.

"Of course not.. unless you want to leave?" Alec answered, his panic rising that they might end up sleeping alone.

"No I don't but after what I said. You seem to be acting different" Magnus shrugged looking into Alec's eyes.

"I-its not what you said Magnus. I....I just...." Alec stopped searching for the right words to say but finding it hard to piece the sentence together.

"Alexander? What is it? You know you can talk to me about anything.. no judgement" Magnus said, placing a hand on Alec's arm reassuring him.

"Okay lets sit down" Alec said walking to the sofa and sitting down as Magnus joined him. "I'm struggling because of my past. Some stuff happened to me in school, that I don't want to talk about. I just find it hard to accept when someone cares for me, to be honest I doubt I'll still be here if it wasn't for Max's birth. He was my rock when I didn't think I need nor wanted one. When you told me you loved me, I don't know if it was in the heat of the moment but... I guess some stuff came flooding back to me and I got scared" Alec answered honestly looking down at his tangled thumbs.

"Oh Alexander..." Magnus started wanting Alec to trust him with his past but not wanting to push him either. "Listen... if you want to talk about it I'll listen, I'm always here for you. What I said in the bedroom was a spur of the moment heated thing..."

"Oh..." Alec interrupted before Magnus put his hand up to stop him from talking.

"...but, we've only known each other a short while and there is something about you. I've not felt what I feel for you ever. Yes I have had relationships, I was even engaged once, but the feeling I have for you..." Magnus frowned as if trying to work out the puzzle in his head. "It's different, stronger. I think... no I'm sure... that I-I love you"

Alec gaped at Magnus's revelation unsure what to say. He knew he loved Magnus too but questions about the quickness of their relationship flew around his head and the worry about what others would think were starting to take over. That was until Alec looked up and gazed at the beautiful golden eyes in front of him. Magnus's eyes had always been the first thing that Alec noticed, the way they shined and lit up his heart. He knew that as long as he had Magnus he would ok.

Sitting closer, Alec wrapped his arms around the older man pulling him and leaned his head forward, asking for permission to kiss the Magnus silently. Magnus rested his lips on Alec's and kissed him tenderly. Their lips sliding along one another as they poured their affections into each other.

Alec pulled away and looked into Magnus eyes. "I love you too..." Alec blushed out. Magnus smiled before returning his lips to Alec's wrapping his hands around Alec's neck.

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