69) Home Sweet Home

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A couple of weeks had passed and soon Alec and Magnus got the phone call for Raphael to say that the house was complete. The furniture was in and the place was decorated so they was able to move in. Of course Magnus had been in and out the whole time checking on the place making sure that it was indeed perfect for them both, but now they were outside the house looking up as a little bubble of nervousness hit them both. Alec had not seen it yet, none of it, wanting it to be a complete surprise plus he knew that Magnus was keeping an eye on things and completely trusted him to make and altercations that were necessary.

"You ready baby? To start of new life in our own home?" Magnus beamed, taking Alec's hand in his as he started to pull him towards the front door.

"Ive been ready since day one" Alec grinned, following Magnus who opened the door and stepped inside taking Alec with him.

Alec gasped as he set his feet inside, looking around the hallway he was in complete shock. Magnus had decided to change most of the rooms colour schemes, except the living room and kitchen as they both like the red and white and the whole kitchen looks, the only difference now was the flooring. After some tough decisions, Magnus finally picked out a black wooden flooring. Cat and Raphael had been adamant that it would make the place look dark, but once it was laid and mixed with the bright white walls and the white and chosen coloured furniture, each room became more light and beautiful. The only rooms that didn't have the black flooring was the kitchen and bathrooms, keeping them to the tiled, marble looked floors. The dining was almost the same but with a few dark blue accents added such as blue blinds and a blue chandelier.

"What do you think so far?" Magnus asked, looking at Alec's wide eyes taken the downstairs in.

"Its.. beautiful. I love it. The perfect mix of us. I can't wait to see the rest of the rooms" Alec beamed looking at Magnus.

"Well the basement is exactly the same so we can go straight upstairs? The conservatory is basically the same but there are purple couches out their now" Magnus informed, taking Alec's hand and leading him upstairs.

It was then that Alec noticed the stairs were carpeted but in black and thought made him smile, knowing that Magnus had done it because he was afraid of their kids slipping down the stairs is it was wooden flooring. As they reached the landing, Alec noticed the hallway and landing matched perfectly. Bolting for the first room, Alec stepped inside the smaller bedroom and frowned before checking the other smaller room next to it and turned to Magnus looking quizzical.

"Right. So that room hasn't been changed at all because I thought we could decorate it once we know what gender we are going to adopt but this room.. welcome to the play room" Magnus beamed pulling Alec inside.

It was decorated with white walls but covered in murals of Disney characters, each wall representing a type of character. Princess/Prince's or the women/men of power in the Disney world covered two walls. Animals on another and then the fourth had the baby versions of the Mickey Mouse characters covering it. The floor was carpet that was designed as a jigsaw and each piece a different colour. Toys had already been brought. There was a teddy bear shelf that had various teddy's in shades and colours on there. A few multicoloured toy boxes were in the room and by the look of the lids, they were filled to the brim. A dressing up corner was there filled with variety of clothes ranging from princes/princesses to pirates. And play kitchen was in another corner along with a toy work bench with tools in the between. A creative area in the another colour filled ready with paper, crafts, and different drawing tools. And the last corner had a ready area which already had comfy bean bag chairs and shelves that had been filled.

"Baby. This is...amazing" Alec wept, walking further in the room to look at it all. Wiping away his tears as he imagined their kids playing in here.

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