32) Caring

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Alec had bathed Magnus and was now laying him in bed, getting him dressed in a pair of loose pants and a vest top, showing off his muscular arms and Alec couldn't help but stare down at him for a second, drinking in the handsome hunk before removing his own clothes and dressing in another pair of loose pants but he was shirtless. Crawling into the bed next to Magnus and hugging him close.

"Are you ok?" Alec asked Magnus quietly, running his finger through his soft black hair.

"Yeah I'm all good. Better now that you are here. I'm sorry that I lied to you and made you worry. That wasn't nice of me, I just...I don't know... I guess I needed some time to process that she has actually gone" Magnus signed, wrapping his arm around Alec as they laid face to face.

"Baby... I love you. You don't need to hid your feelings from me. Not now. Not ever. If you are struggling, talk to me. You need a place to go, come to me. Whatever you need I'm here for you, always remember that" Alec put a soft kiss on Magnus's lips, before pulling back to look into his eyes.

"You know something? There is something about you Alexander, I can't understand it, but I don't think I'll ever stop needing you. Promise me something?" Magnus said as he watched for Alec's reaction. 

"Promise you what?" Alec asked.

"Even if this.." Magnus gestured between the two men. "If we don't work out for whatever reason, always be my friend?"

"I promise, Magnus Bane, that I will always be there for you, ok?" Alec felt his eyes growing a little wet at seeing Magnus being so vulnerable.

"Thank you. My handsome man" Magnus grinned, putting a more heated kiss on Alec's full lips.

Alec returned the kiss and placed his hand in Magnus's hair so he could push his head closer to Alec's putting more pressure into their lips that glided so perfectly against one another's.  Magnus couldn't help the way a moan escaped his lips at the way Alec kissed him, so passionately but with so much need too. Like if they didn't kiss, he couldn't survive. It was then that Alec pulled away, right when Magnus was about to slip his tongue inside Alec's mouth and he groaned, playfully pouting up at the man that was above him.

"Why did you stop?" Magnus asked.

"Because... baby... you need to sleep. Its been a long day, and a long night. I need you to rest. Plus you are drunk still, and emotional, I c-can't take advantage of you like this" Alec said as he looked down into Magnus's chocolate button eyes.

"Alexander, you are so caring but I'm fine, I just need you" Magnus said, as his lips tried to seek Alec's who once again pulled away.

"Baby.. no. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow but not tonight. Lets just cuddle. You can be the little spoon?" Alec smirked as Magnus rolled his eyes but turned over so Alec could snuggle in behind him.

Alec wrapped his arm around Magnus's waist and pulled him back slightly so they was completely flushed against one another, fitting together like the perfect puzzle pieces. It wasn't long before Alec heard the soft sleeping breath of Magnus and he followed soon after. Falling into a bit of a troubled sleep.

The night Alec had one of the worst nightmares, he had dreamed of standing over Camille's lifeless body, blood all over his hands and the Magnus crying but looking at him withe hatred. He'd tried to scream. To say that he didn't do it but no words emerged. It was then that a train appeared from nowhere and Alec tried to move her in time but he couldn't and she was hit. Alec tried to scream but again only silence could be heard from his mouth. Magnus however was shouting at him, calling him a murderer and saying it was all his fault. That was then that he felt someone pulling his wrists behind he back and he was being arrested. Being told he was under arrest for Camille's murder. He tried to plea, apologise and cry out but he had no voice and he was being carted off in the police car. Camille's body still on his mind, the blood that was smothering his hands and Magnus's hatred looked burned into his soul. His heart breaking.

Alec suddenly woke up, sitting bolt upright and colliding with someone. Full on whacking their heads together as they both groan out in pain.  Alec blinked in the dim light and rubbed at his forehead, his eyes coming into focus with Magnus's.

"Baby are you ok?" Alec asked looking worriedly at Magnus.

"Am I ok? Are you ok should be the question" Magnus frowned worriedly.

"Yeah why? I'm fine" Alec answered, looking away from Magnus's gaze as his nightmare flickered through his head like a picture book.

"Alexander, you was sweating and crying. You kept apologising and saying it wasn't you. What was you thinking about? Talk to me please?" Magnus asked, wrapping a hand around Alec's neck to make them gain eye contact.

"Just a stupid dream. Nothing to worry about. I'm fine" Alec shrugged pretending that his own nightmare didn't haunt him. He didn't remember much of that night and now he was dreaming about Camille's death he was starting to think more into it about whether or not he had actually done something.

"Are you sure? What was it about?" Magnus questioned, gazing at Alec with so much concern.

"I-I guess this whole Camille thing has got to me more then I realised... and the police thinking I could do something like that. It was just a silly dream. I'm sorry to wake you. How are you feeling anyway?" Alec replied rubbing at his eyes and seeing that it was only 5am from the alarm clock beside Magnus's bed.

"I know you didn't do it. You know you didn't do it. So stop worrying. Ok? I'm fine now. Just needed some sleep thats all. You don't have to apologise, baby. Its fine" Magnus smiled putting a soft kiss on Alec's lips.

Alec returned the kiss but much quicker then Magnus would of liked, and now he was frowning into space, remembering the dream as if it was right in front of him. Trying to piece together his own devilled thoughts as to whether it was a made up dream or if his self-conscious was trying to remind him of something evil.

"Magnus... w-what... what if I did do it?" Alec frowned looking down as Magnus whipped his head round and stared wide eyed at Alec.

"What do you mean?" Magnus answered.

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