71) Holiday

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"Alexander... Alexander... wake up baby..." Magnus whispered into Alec's ear chuckling at the moan that came from his sleeping lover. Magnus nuzzled at Alec's ear, kissing him under his ear lobe. "Come on baby... time to wake up"

Alec groaned awake, and turned over to face Magnus, opening one eye to see his fiancé laying beside him already dressed. Alec frowned and looked over his shoulder to see the alarm clock stating it was 4:30 in the morning.

"Baby... I love you but I'm not having sex with you at half 4 in the morning. Let me sleep" Alec murmured, shutting his eyes again.

"Alexander... I'd love to have sex with you right now but thats not why I'm waking you up. Come on, I'm taking you away for the week" Magnus informed, kissing Alec's eyelids before he opened them again.

"What? What do you mean? Where are we going?" Alec asked, suddenly more awake then before.

"That, my love, is a surprise. Come on. We are all packed up and I have my private jet at the ready. You're close are ready so up now, shower, get dressed, we leave at 4:45" Magnus said, kissing Alec on the lips before jumping out of bed to get the coffee pot on.

Alec moaned slightly before rolling himself out of bed into the shower. He was excited, but the hour of the morning was making him grumpy and he hadn't had his coffee yet. Once he had showered, he had woken up and little and was drying himself when Magnus returned to the bedroom with a steaming mug of coffee making Alec's eyes light up.

"Are them eyes at me or the coffee?" Magnus chuckled handing the cup to Alec who immediately took a sip of it. Sighing happily.

"Coffee sorry baby" Alec chuckled as he took a gulp before putting it down to continue getting dressed. "How long is the flight for then? Also private jet?"

"Flight is about 5 hours, yes you can sleep on the way there" Magnus said, holding his hand up to Alec before he could speak making Alec swoon a little that Magnus knew what he was thinking. "And I have had the private jet for years now, I only use it for business. This is the first time I have used it for my own pleasure"

"Another first?" Alec teased, drying his hair with the towel before putting on a white cotton shirt that Magnus had picked for him.

"Everyday is filled with firsts with you my love. More so today. You ready?" Magnus grinned, looking very excited.

"What are you up to Mr Bane?" Alec asked frowning slightly wondering what his fiancé was possibly planning.

"I told you its a surprise. Now come on, finish your coffee. Our driver is outside" Magnus beamed, clapping his hands before walking out the bedroom door.

Alec heard his feet run down the stairs and couldn't help the little laugh that escaped his lips from Magnus excitement. Wondering what was up his sleeve for them for this holiday. Alec downed his coffee before carrying it downstairs to the kitchen, and hand washing it before putting it away.

"Will you hurry up?" Magnus moaned pulling Alec out the room to the front door to see that their was 7 suitcases already to go.

"7? Why do we need 7?" Alec asked, frowning.

"5 for me, 2 for you" Magnus laughed, opening the door to his driver as all three of them carried the suitcases to the car. Unsurprisingly, Magnus's were the heaviest.

It didn't take them long before they was headed off to the airport. Magnus already informed Alec that they would be driving straight to his plan and being checked for their passports there so he didn't have to worry about the actual airport craziness itself. So when they pulled up outside, they headed across the tarmac to Magnus's black plane with flashes of midnight blue across the wings. The word BANE stamped across the sides in purple.

"Wow. Magnus this is incredible. Its so much bigger then I expected it to be" Alec gazed at the plan that became bigger as they got closer.

"It have 2 double bedrooms, one with an en-suite and another bathroom. On board kitchen and lounge area. Also a separate compartment for our luggage" Magnus informed.

They pulled up outside the plan and was greeted by the passport control people who check their credentials before stamping them approval to fly. They was helped on board with their luggage by the stewardess before greeting the captain.

"So can you tell me where we are heading?" Alec asked the captain as they shook hands.

"I'm afraid not sir. I'm under strict instructions by Mr Bane that all the information for this trip is classified and you are not allowed to know. I'm sorry sir" The captain said, looking a little sorry for Alec.

"Worth a shot" Alec chuckled. He had noticed that the airport staff had also not mentioned where they were heading.

Following Magnus on board, he took in the interiors of the plane. White couches, a light pine furniture and all the cabinets for the kitchen too. Magnus showed Alec their room and Alec immediately flopped onto the double bed, the dark red and orange duvet wrapping around him instantly.

"I love the plane. Its beautiful. Goodnight" Alec chuckled, laying his head on the pillow.

"Ill be back in a second my love. You get some rest, I just need to speak to the flight staff" with that Magnus left.

It wasn't long before Alec felt the dip in the mattress and Magnus's arms wrapping around his waist holding him in close. Alec immediately falling to sleep in the bask of his loves warmth. His mind racing with the possibilities of where they could possibly be going, but also knowing that where ever it was, Alec knew the Magnus would make it special.

The sounds of the Captains voice coming over the intercom woke Alec up from his slumber. Turning over to find Magnus already Alec and looking at him with a huge smile on his face that Alec copied while a little blush blossomed onto his cheeks.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Alec asked.

"You look absolutely beautiful when you sleep. You look absolutely beautiful when you're awake too but when you sleep, its like you are calm and relaxed and... peaceful. Its a joy to see" Magnus smiled softly watching as Alec cheeks reddened even more under his gaze.

"I love you. But I can't tell if you are crazy or blind" Alec teased.

"Crazy in love and Blinded by your beauty" Magnus smiled.

"Shut up you" Alec laughed, kissing Magnus before they both got up, sitting down and having a drink before their plane landed.

It wasn't long before they was cleared to get off the plane and Alec could feel Magnus's nerves resonating off him making Alec worry about him. He took his hand and gave a reassuring squeeze as the hostess opened the plane door. Alec was the first to step out. The view of where they were hitting him with a sudden realisation.

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