2) The Pet Shop

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The next day, Alec took extra special care in his appearance  he didn't normally care as he knew he would get dirty by the end of the day but he knew Magnus Bane was coming in today, and he didn't know why but he felt like he should make some kind of effort in how he looked.

He had already spoke to Izzy that morning and after she had finished screaming through the phone, she agreed that she would phone in sick for work and come and help Alec. Her words still ringing in his ear that Magnus was openly Bisexual and he was clearly interested in him. Alec liked how Magnus looked but couldn't believe that Izzy was right and that he had any other interest in Alec except to purchase a cat from him.

Walking out the house, Alec had decided on wearing the best pair of black jeans he had, well the only pair that didn't have any stains or hole in and a simple black button up shirt that he only wore on special occasions. He'd tried to do something with his hair but to no avail. It was still the messy bed hair he always had, he had tried gelling it before but it just looked like a clump of sticky mess so he never tried it again.

Walking to the metro station, he wondered if he would see Magnus on the train and when it pulled up he tried to nose through the carriage windows to spot him but couldn't. He couldn't understand why this had bothered him so much, he didn't even know Magnus Bane but he was sure that he was attractive and easy to talk to.

Alec found an empty seat and sat down looking out the window. Izzy was going to meet him at the store in 20 minutes to help him set up, he didn't know when Magnus would come in and he hadn't texted either which had upset Alec more then cared to admit. However, Alec still wanted to make everything look decent and have the look of a successful business. He knew his business was going well, but Magnus was probably a multi-billionaire by the way Izzy spoke about him so he wanted didn't want to be embarrassed by his simple store.

As the carriage pulled to a stop, Alec stood up and collected his stuff ready to get off when he bumped into somebody, causing his bag and the other persons stuff to collide in a mess on the floor.

"I'm so sorry... " Alec mumbled leaning down to sort their stuff out. As he went to hand the other persons stuff back to them he realised who it was and it wasn't somebody he had wanted to see. "Lydia?"

"Alec? Oh my god. How are you? It's been so long" the blonde woman said standing up with her stuff and passing Alec his bag back.

"Yeah I know, I'm fine. How are you?" Alec said, taken aback by how pleasant Lydia was being. "Yeah its been long..."

"Well I haven't seen you since you stopped our wedding and walked out... I'm good as well thank you. So what have you been doing?" Lydia asked, still really friendly.

"I.. I own a pet store now. Doing well. Ive really got to go though as I have somewhere I need to be but lets catch up soon. I'm down on 42nd street, you should pop by sometime. Well.. bye" Alec said before brushing past his ex and just making out the doors before they closed.

Letting out a deep breath, he walked out the station and headed towards his shop but his mind still trailing back to the wedding day and how he had realised that he couldn't live a lie married to a woman when he was gay. He'd felt bad about leaving Lydia but knew that in the long run both would be happier. He had never even kissed her, but she still agreed to the marriage for the sake of her parents and Alec knew that deep down she didn't want it either.

Alec had just reached his store when he say his sister waiting outside, with two cups of coffee in her hand. He knew she would of gotten him a black coffee with a little sweetener, just the way he liked it, while she sipped on her skinny cappuccino.

"What sort of time do you call this? You said 9am? It's 9:10! It's bad for business to be late" Izzy mocked, handing over the coffee.

"I bumped into Lydia on the train. She was so happy and chatty, it was weird" Alec frowned as if confused by his recent encounter.

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