20) Odd Habits

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Magnus stayed that night, wrapped up in Alec's embrace and when he woke up he found his head on Alec's chest and small snores escaping from the mouth of the younger man. He just laid there wanting him sleep, looking so peaceful and innocent. After their talk the night before, Magnus wanted to know ore about Alec and his past but didn't want to push it to far when it came to Alec and his emotions.

He didn't want to wake the sleeping man but knew that he had to go and use the bathroom, so quietly and as gently as he could, he slide out the bed and went to the bathroom. After using the loo, he needed to brush his teeth and started to rummage around for a spare when he came across as a draw full of new toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner and shower gel which Magnus found really odd.

Shrugging off the unusual site, he took one of the brushes and cleaned his teeth before leaving to find Alec awake and sitting up in bed. His hair ruffled and his sleepy eyes looking dreamily at Magnus.

"Morning" Alec croaked out before coughing slightly to clear his throat.

"Morning Handsome" Magnus smiled, crawling back into the bed and sitting next to Alec. "You look so adorable in the morning"

Alec blushed, his cheeks turning bright red. "Thank you. You just look amazing all the time. Did you even sleep?" Alec chuckled seeing Magnus's hair looking perfect and not a site of sleepiness on him.

"I just used the bathroom Alexander, I did not wake up like this" Magnus laughed back. Giving Alec a quick kiss on the lips.

"You've brushed your teeth?" Alec asked, noticing the mint breath smell.

"Yeah. I found your stash of new toiletries. Thats odd isn't it?" Magnus enquired.

"Oh yeah that. I just like to be prepared and not run out of things in case something happens" Alec shrugged not understanding why it was weird.

"What could you possibly be preparing for with 15 toothbrushes 5 toothpastes and a bunch of shampoo and conditioner?" Magnus asked.

"I don't know. They was on offer at the time" Alec laughed. "You think I'm weird don't you?"

"No its just different but its cute" Magnus said, giving a soft peck on Alec's cheek. "So what do you want to do today? I haven't got work so do you want to spend the day together?"

"I would love to but I've got to work" Alec said, sliding out of bed and heading to the bathroom to sort himself out.

When he returned, Magnus was dressed in his clothes he wore the night before while Alec was just in his boxers feeling shy. He tried to cover his stomach as he rushed to get some clothes but Magnus caught him and wrapped his arms around Alec's waist.

"Where do you think you're going Mister?" Magnus chuckled.

"I need to get dressed for work" Alec blushed. "I never used to blush until I met you. Now I can't stop it"

"Oh Alexander, its rewarding to see you blush. You look adorable" Magnus responded planting a soft kiss on each cheek before putting a harder one of Alec's lips, pulling Alec closer to him as he slipped his tongue into his mouth. Their tongues tangled and slid across one another and Alec couldn't stop his hands from roaming through Magnus's perfectly styled hair, messing it up as he grabs tugs of it as a moan escaped his mouth into Magnus's.

Alec pulled back, "You take my breath away" Alec said,  and rested his forehead against Magnus's panting to catch his breath.

"I feel the same way Alexander" Magnus replied as he took a step back to allow Alec to get dressed. "I was thinking, can't you ask Simon or Izzy to open today so we can do something?"

"Oh.. yeah I suppose. Ill text them" Alec said, grabbing his phone and sending them both a group message. 

Alec: Hey can one of you open the shop today? Mags wanted to spend the day together.
Izzy: I'm sorry Alec, but I can't. I got to help mum for her date tonight.
Simon: Sorry bud, bands got a gig and we've got to practice.

Alec sighed at his phone and Magnus looked over, sadness over his face to see that Alec probably didn't get the answer he wanted.

"Erm... yeah Simon is going to open" Alec lied, rather spending the day with Magnus then at work anyway.

"Oh perfect. So what do you want to do today?" Magnus beamed at Alec, watching him getting into his signature black jeans and black t-shirt. "Do you not own anything else other then black clothes?" Magnus chuckled.

"I don't know, could get some lunch somewhere or got to the aquarium or something? And not really. I have a silvery shirt that Izzy brought me but I've never worn it" Alec smiled back.

"Lunch and Aquarium sounds perfect" Magnus said, standing up from the bed to collect his things together. "I just need to stop by my flat to get into some clean clothes"

"Well you can go there and there is something I need to do at the shop that I forgot about and we can meet at the metro?" Alec asked knowing he needed to put up a sign that said the shop was closed for today.

"Sounds like a plan to me" Magnus said. "Ill see you in a bit handsome" Magnus gave Alec a quick kiss before leaving him in his apartment.

Quickly sorting himself out to leave, Alec walked the couple of blocks to his store. There was already a couple of people waiting outside and he felt awful for not opening.

"I'm sorry guys, I'm not opening today" Alec said giving them a sorry smile before everyone groaned in disappointment. "Okay. Ill open up for 10 minutes but you've got to be quick, please. I have an appointment"

Opening the shop, everyone rushed in and Alec started up the till to run the order through. Luckily everyone was pretty quick but not quick enough and by the time he had finished it was 30 minutes later. Rushing, he closed up the shop and added the sign in the window before turning around and bumping into someone.

Alec gushed out apologises before realising that it was Magnus who was now looking at him then to the sign in the window then back to Alec, confused by what was happening.

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