63) Portrait

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The next day, Magnus and Alec set the wheels in motion for tricking Lorenzo. They still went along with their plans to view other houses with Dot, just to keep up the appearance but Magnus had transferred $8 million into Jace's account, an extra $1 million on top of what Magnus had already said because Jace complained.

After Alec and Magnus looked at the houses that Dot had shown them, Alec text Jace to say that they were back at the estate agents and once they said that they would think about the houses the two men left the shop passing Jace and Clary as they entered, smirking as they past.

"So what do you want to do?" Alec asked Magnus, trying to find something to do while they waited for Clary and Jace to view the house and set the paperwork up.

"Well we could do what I had planned yesterday but we was both too tired" Magnus smirked, wrapping his arms around Alec's waist.

"I'm never to tired for that" Alec pouted, frowning playfully as he placed his hands on Magnus's upper arms

"Excellent. I said that you and I would sit for a portrait for Cat. Lets go" Magnus grinned taking Alec's hand.

"Wait what? I thought you meant sex" Alec groaned.

"I know you did my insatiable lover but Cat is trying to perfect her brush strokes for portraits and Madzie won't sit still long enough" Magnus chuckled as he practically dragged Alec down the street.

"You tease" Alec moaned but soon started to follow Magnus the few blocks to Cat's studio.

Walking in, Alec was hit with the smell of paint and knew that he was in for a long day if he had to sit amongst this all day. As they entered, Madzie came running over from the corner leaping into Alec's arms, much to everyone's surprise.

"Alec's here" Madzie grinned hugging Alec round the neck.

"Hey Madzie. How are you?" Alec grinned after getting rid of the initial shock.

"Good" She smiled.

"What about me Sweetpea?" Magnus interrupted, pouting playfully at Madzie. She beamed and leaned over so Alec could pass her to Magnus who immediately hugged her close.

"Magnus are you staying long?" Madzie asked after pulling away.

"We are sweetpea, but we will be in the other room for a while because of the paint fumes so you will be in your playroom. Is that ok?" Magnus asked sweetly as Madzie nodded just at Catarina came out the back.

"Hey boys. You ready to do this? Thank you for helping by the way" Cat smiled, walking over to them.

"Ready when you are" Magnus replied, putting Madzie down as she rushed off to her playroom and shut the door.

"Erm...will she be ok in there by herself?" Alec asked, frowning slightly that she would shut in one room while they was shut in another.

"Yes she will be ok" Cat answered softly. "She's a good girl"

"Plus Catarina has cameras with video and audio recording set up in there with the monitor in her painting room. So she will have eyes of Madzie the whole time" Magnus added remembering when Cat and him had tried to set it up themselves before hiring someone.

"Ah okay. Lets do this then" Alec replied, visibly relaxing that the little girl would be okay by herself.

Alec and Magnus followed Cat into the painting room and took a seat on the desk that Cat had set up. Cat had them sit on an office desk, looking at one another as their feet dangled, well Magnus's feet slightly dangled Alec's flat on the floor. While they held each other's hands and looked at each other. Alec could't help but blush a little as they looked at one another, feeling awkward and shy in such a soft, slightly romantic position while Cat gazed at them.

Cat took a picture before hand so that if for some reason they had to leave, she would still have them posed for the painting, having to convince Alec that it was always easier to paint when the subject is in front of you rather then just a picture. He couldn't understand why Cat hadn't just painted from the picture but he shrugged slightly at her explanations, still not totally getting it.

It took a good 2 hours for Cat to just have them outlined and ready to start adding the colour to the painting when Alec's phone started buzzing. Apologising Alec took it out and saw a text from Jace.

Jace: All set. House is ours, money will be transferred over soon. Lorenzo is a dick. You are right there but he has no idea what is going on. So hopefully it will be ours in a couple of days and Magnus can sort it for the paperwork to get sorted. What are you both up to? Wanna get some lunch?

Reading the text Alec showed it to Magnus.

"Excellent. Catarina, we have to go. Are we able to continue this another day or are you able to continue from the picture?" Magnus asked her smiling.

"No you guys go. I can get this finished. Its just adding colour now and I've got the picture so I should be ok. If I do need you both back in, Ill shoot you a text" Cat grinned, going to hook the picture up next to the portrait so she could look back and forth easier.

"Thank you Catarina. See you soon and I can't wait to see it" Magnus smiled, walking over to her and giving her a quick hug.

"Yes, me either. Its going to look amazing. Bye Cat" Alec added before taking Magnus's hand and leaving the store. They was going to say goodbye to Madzie but could see on the screen that she had fallen asleep on her beanbag chair while looking at a book.

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