73) The Beach

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"Oh come on Alexander... hardly anyone is wearing clothes here?" Magnus moaned, seeing the dozens of bodies around him that laid naked on their sun loungers soaking in the sun.

"No. No way. I'm not having everyone here eyeing up my man. No way in hell. You already have quite short shorts on a no top. All the girls and most of the girls keep looking at you. I don't like it" Alec pouted, folding his arms across his chest.

"You are so hot when you are jealous" Magnus grinned looking over at Alec.

"I... I'm not jealous. I don't need to be" Alec frowned, just as 2 girls walked over to them and smiled.

"Hello boys are you having a nice time?" The blonde girl asked, placing her hand on her hip to accent her curved waist. Her face mainly covered by her over sized sun glasses and hat as she flashed her bright white smile.

"Would you like some company?" The ginger girl added, pushing her glasses up on top of her head to show them her bright blue eyes.

"We are having a wonderful time thank you for asking" Magnus smiled politely, seeing Alec getting more tense beside him.

"YES ME AND MY FIANCÉ ARE VERY HAPPY WITHOUT YOUR COMPANY. BYE" Alec growled out, making sure to enunciate the word 'without' for them. Magnus looking wide eyed at his outburst as the two girls looked a little wary.

"We are sorry to both you. Come on Sophie. Lets go" The blonde girl said, dragging her friend away back to their loungers down the beach.

"Alexander.. was the really necessary? They was just being nice" Magnus smiled, unable to find his love for his jealous partner.

"Yes.. yes it was actually cause now they won't come over anymore and you and me can enjoy just each other" Alec stated, firmly set on the fact that he was right to shout at them. "I'm going for a swim. Are you coming?"

"Hmm.. nope. You go and enjoy yourself. I'm going to enjoy the view though while I get a darker tan" Magnus winked, watching Alec's swaying hips as he walked into the water whilst rolling his eyes knowing full well the Magnus had his eyes on his ass.

Magnus waited until Alec was in the water before turning his sun lounger so that he could lay on his stomach and watch Alec swim. Removing his trunks, so he was naked before laying back down with a mischievous grin on his face as Alec swam without the knowledge. He didn't know how but he was suddenly aware that his eyes were closed and the sound of wolf whistles waking him back up. Turning to see the where the noise was coming from, he found a group of girls looking toward the water as he saw his hunk of a lover step out the sea. Water dripping down his chest and his hair flopped over his forehead. Fuck. Magnus thought as he watched Alec come closer, that was until he saw the frown across his face and realised he was looking at him with anger. It was then that Magnus noticed he was lying on his back with everything on show.

"Well... don't you look gorgeous" Magnus winked, hoping to distract Alec from his nakedness.

"You got to be kidding me. We are in public. You are famous. You are not only naked, but are currently growing an erection? Put your clothes back on now" Alec growled, tossing him the trunks which Magnus guilty put on to see that his length was indeed growing.

"I'm sorry Alexander. Its your fault though... for the erection I mean. You look so fucking sexy coming out the water" Magnus purred, biting his lower lip to stop a moan as he thought about Alec coming out the water.

"You aren't getting around me that easily" Alec smirked, his anger disappearing rapidly as he looked at Magnus. Annoyed by how easily he forgave this man.

"Is it easier for me to get under you?" Magnus winked, seeing the sharp intake of breath from Alec and the way his eyes darkened slightly.

"No..." Alec whispered, his voice already husky with arousal and betraying his words.

"So.. you don't want to take this back to the hotel room?" Magnus asked under his breath.

"No..." was all Alec could say, knowing that if he went back to the hotel with Magnus neither one of them would leave the room for the rest of the day. Seeing Magnus frown and pout at his words, Alec gave him a quick kiss on the lips to soften the reject before pulling back. "I want to swim. Come on"

Alec didn't give Magnus a chance to answer before dragging him towards the sea. Magnus protesting behind him as he tried to wiggle free but Alec was stronger slightly. The sand portraying Magnus as he feet glided through the sand.

"Alexander. My hair. It will get wet" Magnus squealed.

"Fuck your hair Mr Bane" Alec smirked, turning around and grabbing Magnus, putting him over his shoulder as he chuckled, Magnus wriggling more in his arms. Alec putting a playful slap on his ass with a giggle. "Come on lover"

"You are the biggest pain in my life" Magnus growled out but given in to the fate that he was going to get wet. A little scream escaping his lips as Alec dropped him into the water. He just had the time to shut him eyes and hold his breathe before he disappeared under the water before thinking this was an excellent time for pay back. Instead of coming up for air, he held his breathe for as long as he could and stayed under the water.

"Magnus? MAGNUS?" Alec cried seeing that he hadn't re-emerged from the water yet. Dipping under the water, he grabbed Magnus under his arms and pulled him up before Magnus grinned.

"Got you!" Magnus chuckled, wrapping his arms around Alec's neck and leaping into his arms, wrapping his legs around the waist.

"You fucker! That was not funny!" Alec smirked, trying to stifle his laugh. "Ill get you back for that"

"Bring it baby" Magnus challenged, pulling Alec's lips to his in a heavy passionate filled kiss. "You seem to of cheered up?"

"Of course I have. I'm on island in the middle of nowhere, with my whole life wrapped around me, in the beautiful sea with the warm sun. I couldn't be happier" Alec smiled, leaning forward and putting a kiss on Magnus neck, just below his ear. "I love you Mr Bane"

"I love you too Mr Lightwood" Magnus smiled, unwrapping himself from Alec. "First one to that rock is the winner. Loser buys the dinner"

"Deal" Alec laughed, waiting for Magnus to get beside him. "Ready. Set. Go."

With that the two men set off. Both neck and neck as they swam, sending splashes of water that had on lookers from the beach watching them race. It was then that Alec pulled ahead, his longer arms and legs working as an advantage as he swam away but not before he got to far ahead and felt a hand wrapped around his ankle pulling him down into the water. He spluttered the water as he felt himself dip under unexpectedly and Magnus giggling as he swam forward. Alec quickly pulled himself together and grabbed Magnus, spinning him around to face him as Alec crashed their lips together, his tongue dipping inside as Magnus gasped and taking full advantage to wrap around the adjoining tongue. Pulling away and leaving them both breathless and Magnus a little stunned. Using this to his advantage, he grabbed Magnus by the legs and tossed him in the air, swimming away as he crashed back into the water.

"Cheater!" Magnus cried as he looked over and saw Alec by the rock grinning.

"Hey you started it lover boy" Alec chuckled. "Does my baby not like to lose?"

"No." Magnus pouted swimming over to him. "That was mean, you can't kiss me like that and expected me not lose my head"

"Not my fault that I'm so irresistible to you" Alec smirked.

"Not my fault that you are... like a sexy god" Magnus frowned. "Maybe I won't let you have your surprise now"

"Wait what? No.. I like my surprises from you" Alec whined, splashing the water with his hands in a playful paddy.

"Maybe.. if you are good" Magnus smiled, biting his lower lip. "Come on. I believe I owe you a dinner and to be honest, I'm starving"

"Let's go loser" Alec smirked, putting a quick kiss to Magnus's lips before swimming back to the beach, Magnus not far behind him.

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