96) Doctors

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So much had happened in the last year and a half that Alec and Magnus had barely enough time to stop. Jace had whisked Clary off to Paris after finally asking her to move in, and had proposed to her under the Eiffel Tower. Planning a photographer their to capture the whole thing knowing that Clary would want to paint it. Clary now in full wedding mode was crazy especially since Simon proposed to Izzy not long after and they was now agreeing on having a double wedding. Which meant all the boys where having to deal with the crazy bridezilla twins calling the other and each other at all times of the day and night with random ideas.

Izzy had also recently announced that she and Simon were expecting soon. So she and Clary, after many discussions, had decided to get married 3 months after Izzy had her daughter. Giving Izzy enough time to recover and lose the baby weight so she didn't look 'fat' in her wedding photos. Simon and Izzy had rowed back and forth after finding out that they was having a little girl over the name. Instead finally agreeing on Rebecca Alexandria Lewis.

Jace had shot down the idea when Izzy said that Clary should get pregnant too so they could share the experience. Telling them both that he was not ready to be a dad just yet. Clary was fine with it, saying that they wanted to get married first, then go off touring the world before settling down for a family. Alec always loved how suited they was for one another, both couples. Simon and Izzy were more the family orientated and couldn't wait to settle down. Whereas Jace and Clary were more into adventures and seeing the world, taking pictures and enjoying their younger years together.

However for Magnus and Alec, their surrogacy meeting had fallen through the first time after the women who was highly catholic hadn't read their application over properly and discovered they was a mixed raced gay couple. Neither of them caring after they found out why she had dropped out but they now have found another girl after several meetings with different surrogates. Heidi. She was sweet and kind, and after being brought up in and out of foster homes, she wanted to do something kind by giving the gift of life to a couple that couldn't have kids of their own. They had met her a few times and after 7 months of sorting paperwork and meetings, it was time for them to start the baby making processes.

Right now they was stood in the doctors office waiting for their appointment to come up. Alec's leg shaking nervously. After a careful discussion, both had agreed to go with the mixing of their sperm. Not really caring who fathered the baby but it would make a nice surprise at the end when the baby was born. Thinking that when the baby was born they would be able to tell who was the biological dad anyway.

For now, they was called up and given a plastic container each, sent off to two separate rooms, despite Alec's annoyance, and told to deposit their samples. Both men laughing at the stack of porn magazines in there, ignoring them and pulling out their phones to pleasure themselves over the other one instead. They had taken pictures of each other the night before in various poses, laughing as they done it.

The doctors surprise as they left the rooms quicker then they thought, and at the same time, as they smirked at one another knowingly. They followed the doctor, along with Heidi in the doctors room and all took a seat, Heidi in the doctors chair with her feet in the stirrups after changing and being covered over.

"Okay guys. So now I'm going to mix your samples in a dish and use this syringe to insert it into Heidi. Then I will scan the area to see if the sperm is alive and well." The doctor explained as she started going to work on the mixture.

"When will we know by if the process has worked?" Alec asked, his nerves still not leaving. "And what if it doesn't?"

"Alexander, calm down baby. If it doesn't work, which the doctor has already said there is no reason it shouldn't then we just try again" Magnus reassured rubbing Alecs back and resting a hand on his knee.

"Yeah, if it doesn't take then I'm happy to try again. As many times as it takes if thats what is needed" Heidi smiled.

"Thank you" Alec smiled at the pair feeling a little more relaxed, it had cost them  $125,000 to do this but both not caring, to Magnus's surprise that Alec hadn't complained.

"Okay. Heidi you ready?" The doctor asked as she held up the syringe and both men moved to the top of her head. Alec taking her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze and the doctor set to work, Heidi only wincing once before the doctor stood up straight. "Okay. Done"

All three of them looking at her in confusion at how quick and virtually painless the experience was but all looking at one another with pure glee and excitement. Especially when the doctor scanned Heidi and saw the sperm were alive and kicking.

"Okay so Heidi. So you know the rules of what not to do for the next few days and after 2 weeks take a pregnancy test. If it comes back negative wait another week and try again. If it still comes back negative it is a high possibility that it hasn't taken and we will discuss trying again if that is what everyone wants" The doctor said with a smile as she removed her gloves.

Once out the hospital, the boys treated Heidi to a rather posh dinner to say thank you before they parted ways. Both so excited as they texted the others to say it was done. Now all they had to do was wait 2 weeks.

The next 2 weeks was excruciating for all 3 of them. Heidi not wanting to let the boys down had made sure she was following every rule down to the letter, Magnus and Alec keeping in contact with her and meeting her for lunch during the time to see how she was feeling. Now however, they sat in the front room with Heidi as it was time to find out.

Alec had gone overboard and brought about 6 pregnancy tests all from different price ranges, saying it was better to be safe then sorry. After drink 3 glasses of water, they headed to the bathroom and Magnus and Alec waited outside. Holding each other's hands are they waited nervously.

"We need to wait 3 minutes" Heidi muttered as she came out 30 seconds later holding the stick and setting a timer on her phone as she followed the back to the living room.

Alec had thought the 2 weeks was hard but this was worse. Every now and then he would glance at the times and moan that it was only 10 seconds after he had checked it. Standing up and pacing. Soon however the alarm went off and all 3 of them stared at one another, neither wanting to make the first move until Magnus took a deep breathe and picked it up. Looking at it before the tears fell and he passed it to Alec who also cried and sat on the floors at seeing the single blue line.

"Take another one. Please Heidi. Take this one" Alec pleaded handing her one of the other ones who nodded and took it from him. Downing glass after glass of water until she needed to wee again. They waited for her to leave before Alec turned to Magnus. "I really thought it would work"

"And it will Alexander, you heard the doctor. Yes there was good chance it would take but still it might not of done. We will try again. I promise you. No matter how much money we have to use, I will spend our last fortune on it if we have to but we will have a baby" Magnus said, sitting in front of Alec before pulling him on his lap as he cried.

"Thank you. I'm sorry you're having to comfort me. You must be suffering too and I'm not helping you" Alec wept, wiping his eyes and looking at Magnus.

"You are helping me because you are here. We will be okay and we will sort this. I promise you. I will fix it for us" Magnus stated, looking Alec in the eyes and hugging him close. It was then that Heidi came back into the room holding the stick before passing it to the boys. Magnus sighing as he started to look at it.

"It was a duff test" Heidi said, a smile creeping across her face to a huge grin as she watched Alec frown to not understanding to pulling Magnus up and jumping round the living room in excitement as they read 'pregnant 2 weeks' on the screen.

"Are you serious? You aren't messing with us?" Magnus smiled looking at her as she nodded before rushing to her and spinning her around the living room. Putting her down and going to Alec to kiss him softly. "Baby. We are going to be daddies"

"I'm so happy. Thank you Heidi. Thank you so much" Alec wept again pulling Magnus into a hug before turning to Heidi and hugging her too.

That night the whole group had gone out and taken Heidi with them to celebrate. Making sure to keep it pregnancy friendly, much to Jace's dislike that he couldn't drink. Stating that he wasn't pregnant but Magnus wanting them to have a nice evening that was suitable for Heidi.

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