83) Pandemonium

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Clary and Izzy pushed their way through the crowd to find a vacant table which was hard to do considering how packed out the club was. The sweaty bodies grinding against one another as blue and green strobe lights bounced off the wooden flooring and black walls. Smoke clouds from the smoke machine making it slightly harder to see and the loud banging club music blasting out.

"IM GONNA GET US SOME DRINKS!" Jace yelled over the music to the gang as they found a table at the back of the club. Walking off as Simon followed to help him.

"So Alec, are you going to dance?" Clary asked. Looking at Alec as he suddenly frowned and shot his head in the girls direction.

"No...no way. I don't dance" Alec denied. Shaking his head hard to make his point.

"Don't lie Alexander, you dance and very well I might add" Magnus grinned, giving Alec a winked.

"HOLD ON! You've got him to sing AND dance?" Izzy asked, astonished by the news. "Who are you and what have you done with my brother?"

"Shut up Iz. We've dance once, in my kitchen and it was only like swaying. Plus I danced at my wedding? I don't like dance, dance" Alec blushed just as Jace returned with Simon, one holding a tray of shots while the other held a couple of pitchers of beer.

"Let's get this night started" Jace cheered, putting the shot tray down and downing one.

"Whats this?" Alec asked, lifting the little glass and eyeing it quizzically.

"Its vodka Alec. Just down it and lighten up" Jace mocked, rolling his eyes as Alec drunk the liquid and shuddered, pulling a disgusted face groaning in displeasure.

"Thats gross and it burns" Alec shuddered.

"Its meant to burn. The more you drink, the less gross it gets. Come on you lightweight, another!" Jace egged him on as he took another one himself followed by the rest of them.

It didn't take long for all the shots to be gone and the last of the beer to be dispersed between their glasses. Alec feeling it more then most considering he wasn't a big drinker. Clary and Izzy already on the dance floor together, playfully dancing with one another as the their boyfriends watched in shock as Izzy grinded against Clary, both laughing their head off.

"I can't tell if this is hot or creepy?" Simon chuckled, leaning over to Jace.

"DUDE! Its gross. Thats my sister and my girlfriend. I'm not going to find that hot am I!" Jace yelled, frowning at Simon who laughed even more.

"Yeah but thats my girlfriend and my best friend so its ok for me" Simon smirked just as Izzy danced towards him, swaying her hips and holding out her hand.

"Come on baby. Your turn. I see you watching me" Izzy winked, pulling Simon up as he blushed and giggled walking with her. Clary going to Jace and dragging him out onto the dance floor too.

Magnus sat with Alec, knowing he wouldn't want to dance, but slid further next to him.  Resting his hand on his knee. Alec turned and smiled, feeling bad that maybe Magnus wasn't having a good time because he wasn't dancing.

"Baby you can go and dance with them if you want. You don't have to stay here with me" Alec smiled. "I don't want you to miss out"

"Alexander, I'm happy wherever you are" Magnus reassured, leaning over and kissing him as the waitress came over and put some more pitchers down and more shots. Alec instantly chucking another 3 shots down his throat thinking Jace was right, the more you had the better they were.

Magnus laughed at the way Alec was drinking, enjoying the way he was relaxing a little. He knew Alec relaxed when they was together, but he was always on edge for some reason. Always ready to go at a moments notice, now though, he sat next to Magnus watching his sibling dancing with their better half's with a smile on his face. That was until Simon shoved his tongue down Izzy's throat and Alec pulled a face and turned away.

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