44) Future

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The two men lay in each other's arms, in comfortable silence, after their torrid love making as they continued to catch their breaths. Alec couldn't stop thinking about how much he loved the man in his arms, how in such a short space of time he had become to mean so much to him. That his life would not be the same without him. Of course they had had their problems, but they always sorted them out.

"Penny for your thoughts my love?" Magnus asked interrupting Alec from his thoughts.

"Hmm... nothing. Just thinking about... well us" Alec shrugged as he looked down at Magnus and smiled.

"What about us?" Magnus rolled over to lay on his stomach as he looked up into Alec's eyes.

"Just...well...you know" Alec shyly smiled, blushing a little.

"Come on baby. Tell me" Magnus asked as he ran his fingers down Alec's cheek, making him shudder under the touch.

"I was just thinking about our future and how much I love you" Alec said looking down at his hands.

"You think about the future?" Magnus asked a little surprised. "Me too. What do you see in our future?"

"Us getting married and being together for the rest of our lives" Alec blushed hard as he continued to focus on his fingers.

"Oh really, I do as well, except when I propose to you and when we get married it is a very spectacular and festive celebration" Magnus chuckled and watching as Alec eyes widened.

"Well when I propose and we get married, its very subtle and traditional" Alec smiled as he thought about their wedding.

"Hmm... well maybe we can combine the two? Have a traditional, spectacular glittery wedding" Magnus chuckled as he cupped Alec's face and Eskimo kissed their noses together.

"Sounds perfect" Alec beamed as he imagined this really happening. "But I'm proposing to you"

"Oh I don't think so" Magnus challenged. Alec smirked as rolled over pinning Magnus to the bed as he planted a kiss onto his lips.

"Ill think you will find Mr Bane that it is I who will propose to you" Alec giggled as he looked down at the man who his dreams below him. "So be quiet"

Magnus laughed and wrapped his hands around Alec's neck giving up with rowing with him because he knew it was pointless. "Can I tell you something? That day we met on the metro. I wasn't even supposed to be on it that day, but there was something telling me to turn down my ride and go on the train instead. I'm so pleased I did because the moment I saw you walking down that carriageway looking for a seat I was mesmerised by you. Hell someone even went to sit down in that chair opposite me and I lied and said that my friend had popped to the bathroom. Then you asked. I hoped you would. Now look at us, laying in bed together. I'm so in love with you. You are everything to me and we was destined to meet that day. It was written in the stars" Magnus admitted as he caressed the back of Alec's neck.

"Baby. You are so sweet. I don't normally believe in fate but with you... I believe we was meant to meet, we was meant to fall in love and we are meant to be together forever. If I had to describe my perfect man. You would be it plus so much additional extras that I love. You exceed my expectations my love" Alec gushed out kissing Magnus on the lips.

"You completely melt my heart. How did I get so lucky?" Magnus asked as he kissed Alec back.

"You deserve the world" Alec said as he moved his lips to Magnus's nose and forehead. "Have you ever thought about kids?"

"Of course. I would to start a family with you but we definitely need to sort other stuff out first" Magnus chuckled.

"Oh that's a definite. I want to be married and living together before we have kids. Can I ask you something? If we was to move in together, where would we live? I mean I know you have an amazing apartment in the hotel, but do you really want to live there forever? Like with a family..." Alec asked wondering if he had crossed a line. He knew how much Magnus loved his place.

"To be honest, I've never given it much thought but baby, we can live wherever we want. If you want a house, I'll buy us one. You want an apartment, I'll buy us one. Hell you want a inhabitant island somewhere, I'll buy us one. Whatever you want. I will do it. Wherever you think we should raise a family, is exactly where we will raise our family" promised Magnus.

"You... you are amazing but I don't need an island" Alec chuckled as he stroked a hand down Magnus's cheek. "We can raise a family in an apartment. I just want a place thats nicer then what I have. I just feel really bad because I can't afford to buy anywhere"

"Alexander, I know you don't like to think about how much money I have but I'm a multi billionaire. You are my boyfriend. When we get married, my wealth will be yours. You will have to get used to the idea of having money. It will be our money, and we will be buying a flat together. Ok? So stop worrying about the money" Magnus leaned down and gave Alec as small kiss on his mouth.

"I love you. You are the best. I just don't want you thinking that I'm only interested in your money because to be honest, your money doesn't mean anything to me" Alec smiled.

"I love you too baby and I know you don't care about my wealth. I find it so endearing that you don't care and it makes me love you all the more that no matter if I was rich or poor, you'd still love me" Magnus beamed back. "Now, lets get some sleep because I have meetings all day tomorrow and I'm guessing you have work too?"

"Of course I don't care if you have money or not. I fell in love with you, not your money. If for some reason you lost it all, I'd still be right by your side" Alec explained, giving Magnus a small kiss. "Yeah I think we should. I don't want to leave you, I'd rather spend all day in bed with you but there is no one else to open the shop"

"Alexander, I'm going to take you away one day. I'm going to get someone to cover the shop and me and you are going to jet off to any destination you want" Magnus beamed. "You need a holiday and a break and well... so do I"

"Really? Anywhere WE want. It's your holiday too" Alec made sure to emphasise the word 'we' to Magnus.

"Well why don't we both make a list of places we want to visit. There has to be at least one that appears of both lists. Then that is where we will go" Magnus shrugged.

"I love it. Perfect" Alec said before yawning.

"Come on baby,  sleep now" Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec's waist, pulling him in close before he relaxed.

"Goodnight My love" Alec whispered out.

"Goodnight Baby" Magnus said kissing Alec's cheek. Both men fell asleep cocooned in the love for one another.

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