94) LB Pets

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Now 6 months onwards, the men's lives had started to gain some kind of routine. The stress that had been felt by both of them had finally started to ease since everything that was causing it had come to an end in some way. Although, they knew new stresses would come to light soon. However they always took it in their stride with very few disagreements.

Alec store had finally been refurbished, the process taking an additional 3 months to do due to Alec having to buy the store next door. The owner was really against selling the store and despite Alec offering him $3 million, after a lot of persuading on Magnus's end, he was still refusing. Magnus eventually taking charge of the situation and giving the man $4 million plus an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii. That had been one of their disagreements, that Magnus was too soft with his money when it came to Alec. Magnus rowing that it was their money and completely disregarding Alec's main point.

It was soon opening day, and Alec getting nervous. He had put leaflets around the city as well as an ad in the local paper. He knew his regulars would be there as well as his friends and family but he still hoped for a big turn out. Magnus had done his usual and gone over blared, having a gold ribbon placed outside the door and scissors embroiled with store name 'LB Pets' written on them so Alec could cut it, champagne bottles by the dozen, and a buffet laid out. He had asked most people at his office to come as well. He hadn't even told Alec that he had planned for a reporter to come too, hoping it would be a nice surprise for him.

Right now, Alec was nervously getting ready. Magnus had made him a suit for the occasion in charcoal grey, as much to Alec's disapproval at the time, he now liked it. It was perfect. He had wept when he saw the jacket, knowing he would treasure it for life, as Magnus had hand sewn a message into the inside of the jacket. 'My Alexander, When you soar, I will help you reach your greatest height. Your Magnus'. Magnus had even styled Alec's hair a little. Putting Alec through what he called torture, as Magnus helped wash it, cut it a little, blow dried, straightened out the odd curl he had before sweeping it with a little gel. He had put his foot down though when Magnus pulled out his nail bag.

Since that night, Alec and Magnus would spend a night every few weeks drinking wine and pampering themselves. Magnus had gotten Alec into a cute routine of them bathing together with a face pack before doing each other's nails. Alec had yet to give in and let Magnus do any light colourful colours, sticking with darker ones. Alec had even allowed Magnus to try eyeliner on him, which had ended with Magnus getting hot and flustered by Alec's 'mysterious and dangerous' look before bedding him.

Now standing in the mirror, Alec looked at himself and smiled a little, happy with overall look as Magnus came in. Wrapping his hands around his waist before leaning up on tip toes to kiss his cheek. Alec blushing softly at the kiss before wrapping his arms around Magnus's.

"Are you ready my love?" Magnus asked. "You look amazing by the way. I love how your ass looks in this"

"Yeah. I'm good to go" Alec replied before shaking his head with a smile. "Thats because you made the pants tight round my ass and the jacket tighter then really necessary"

"What can I say? I like your ass. Plus it makes your muscles look even bigger and fuck.. thats hot. Just the hot, turn on package" Magnus smirked as Alec turned round to face him, his eye brow raised.

"You want me to turn on people while we are out?" Alec chuckled.

"Of course not but that doesn't mean that they care look at me with jealous envy because you are mine" Magnus winked, laughing with Alec as their lips connected. "Come on hot stuff lets get going"

Alec watched Magnus leave before following. His turquoise suit with a pink handkerchief in the pocket was amazing against his complexion. Blue and pink streaks of colour through his hair and his signature black eyes was just a heady combination to Alec. Excited for the day, but also eager for the end so he could undress his husband.

Shaking his head at his wayward thoughts, Alec left the bedroom and found Magnus by the door waiting. Leaving in the black SUV of Magnus's, they cut through the traffic and was soon outside the store. Alec gasping at the sight he saw as a massive group stood outside, camera crews set up, as well a couple of police cars to help contain the crowd.

"Magnus...how many?" Alec asked in surprise.

"Baby. You've done amazing, you've not only got the pet shop up and running but you have charity work going on, and you've got a ton of outside activities running alongside it. Whether it is the customer club card with money off vouchers for them as they spend a certain amount, as well as a percentage of the money going to their chosen charity, you've got the children's club going on as well as the senior centre club. You deserve everything" Magnus said proudly, holding Alec's hand.

"I may of worked hard, but I would not of had been able to do this without your help" Alec replied, stroking his thumb along Magnus's knuckles. Magnus smiled and kissed his hand.

"Probably not" Magnus smirked, winking at Alec before they both chuckled. "Alexander, I may have given you the financial freedom but you done this! All of it!"

"Magnus, it wasn't just the money. You gave me the courage, comfort and confidence to follow my dreams" Alec smiled softly. Magnus wasn't sure what to say in response to Alec's words, opening and closing his mouth a few times.

"I love you. My beautiful man, both inside and out" Magnus said softly after deciding it was all he could say.

"I love you too. Come on my love, let do this" Alec grinned putting a quick kiss to Magnus's lips before getting out the car.

Alec was met by a chorus of cheers and applause as he stepped out the car, flashes from the camera going off in every direction as Alec smiled and waved but waited for Magnus to stand next to him before walking up the front doors and turning around to look at the people standing there. His mind wandering to the thought as to why there was so many people there, not that he was complaining, but ultimately knowing it probably had more to do with Magnus and who he was rather then the store as to why so many came.  However, whatever their reason for being there, the store was going to get publicity and that could only mean good things.

The next few hours passed by in a blur to Alec. After giving his speech and thanking Magnus, his family and friends, and everyone else for coming, he cut the ribbon and opened the door, letting people piling in. It was packed and Alec did wonder if he should have got the reporters to go in first for pictures before rotating them round and having the other guests come in. However, nobody seemed to mind and as the champagne was drunk and the food drunk, Alec had already gotten all his regular customers to sign up for their club cards as well as his family, friends and a few other random people. He was now showing them the computer as he logged their information into his new site. Telling them that they can find his website and log in themselves and that each time they go over a certain spending amount, as long as they scan their card, they would get money off vouchers and also explained how the charity worked.

He and Magnus had posed for a lot of photos and taken various pictures with them holding some of the animals available as well as answering a few of their questions. All in all, the day was a success and by the time the two got home they was exhausted. Still finding it in them though, to carefully undress each other before making love, falling asleep wrapped in each other's arms knowing that the next day would be another long day.

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