97) Overdue

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6 months had passed and everyone was apprehensive. Izzy was 3 days over her due date and was becoming a nightmare to everyone who was around her. Even though everyone knew it wasn't her fault, they still didn't know what to say or do around her. Magnus had given her maternity leave when she was only 6 months pregnant, however now Magnus was slightly regretting it because she kept yelling at him that she had been bored for 3 months and it was his fault. Alec trying not to laugh as Magnus stood there with a shocked expression. However, Jace got the next brunt of Izzy's emotions as he laughed and she turned angry at him before crying in Simon's arms.

Clary had tried to help by throwing her a baby shower a couple of days before but even though it started off well, it ended with Izzy throwing a fit over the fact someone brought her a pair of high heeled thigh high boots that she couldn't wear yet due to the additional weight she had put on. Even after Clary tried to help by saying she could keep them to wear after the pregnancy, Izzy had made more of a fuss about having a constant reminder of her 'fat thighs' as she said.

Simon had tried to help by telling her that if she didn't have the baby by tomorrow they would induce her but that didn't seem to help either with Izzy crying and saying she couldn't even have a baby properly. Alec finally finding the cure however, and giving her triple chocolate cookies to dunk in runny chocolate ice cream which soothed her right down and turned her back into her normal self. Simon more grateful to Alec in that moment then ever before as he watched his fiancé smile and laugh.

Alec and Magnus had just crawled into bed that night at 11pm when the phone rang from Simon to say that Izzy had finally gone into labour and both of them had rushed to the hospital. Sitting in the waiting room with Jace and Clary as they waited for any news when Simon came in.

"She's fine. Baby still not here yet" Simon smiled, the bags under his eyes a telltale sign of his tiredness. "She demanded I come here and tell you all to wait and thank you"

"Tell her we aren't going anywhere" Alec smiled, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back as Magnus rested his head on his shoulder.

"How did you get her into labour finally? Was it the hot curry I suggested?" Jace asked after he and Simon had found a list of what to do to help induce labour naturally.

"Erm... no.. it was the other thing..." Simon stammered, looking sideways at Alec.

"The long walks?" Jace frowned.

"No Jace. The other thing!" Simon glared.

"Oh... that... Alec, Simon fucked your sister into having the baby" Jace stated seeing Alec looking confused at the pair before he grimaced. Earning Jace a punch in the arm from Clary.

"Dude!" Alec said, his face looking like he had eaten something disgusting.

"Jace! What the hell? Why would you say that? I... I got to go back" Simon frowned, shaking his head before leaving.

"You have issues Jace! Seriously mate. Why would I need or want to know that?" Alec said, glaring at his best friend.

"What? You was looking like you wanted to know. So I told you. Don't see what the big deal is... you do know they've done it before right? Thats how shes pregnant?" Jace chuckled.

"Jace. I suggest you keep your opinions and your comments to yourself now. It is neither the appropriate time or place for your thoughts to come out. Alexander's sister is having a baby and you are talking about her and her fiancés sex life. Stop it" Magnus inputted. His words calm but his tone authoritative. Alec couldn't help but cross his legs to hide his semi he was sporting at that voice.

"Thank you" Alec smiled, kissing Magnus's cheek who nodded before moving and laying across the seat resting his head on Alec's leg before groaning and pushing Alec leg down so he could lay in his lap. Looking up at him and smirking when he saw why Alec had crossed his legs. Alec looked down and shook his head telling Magnus no, knowing he would have some plan. Magnus only chuckling before closing his eyes and Alec running his finger through his hair, looking down at him and smiling.

The next few hours were long and tiring, Magnus had caught an hours broken sleep along with Alec, Jace and Clary had topped up on so much coffee that they was practically bouncing off the wall and Simon checked in periodically with updates. The latest being that Izzy was ready and she was pushing, earning him a shout from everyone to get back in there and him scurrying off.

All of them sitting there nervously for the next 30 minutes before Simon came running back in with a huge smile and red eyes, jumping up and down.

"She's here!" Simon exclaimed, before being wrapped up in a huge hug by everyone as they cheered.

"Name? Come on we all know you've had it picked out but not told anyone" Clary asked happily.

"Okay its Rebecca Alexandria Lewis" Simon smiled. "Rebecca after my sister, and Alexandria after, well, you Alec"

"Wait? Really?" Alec beamed, swallowing past the lump in his throat as he tried not to cry but it was a failed move as a few tears spilled out. Wrapping Simon in another hug as he said "thank you"

"Thats okay. We just hoped you didn't mind us changing your name slightly to fit a girls name" Simon replied, hugging him back before releasing him. "Also, Izzy wants to see Alec and Magnus first"

"Wow. I see" Jace chuckled before winking that he was playing around. "Tell Izzy we are proud of her and cant wait to meet Rebecca"

With that the 3 other men left, leaving Clary and Jace in the waiting room, as they headed down the corridor to Izzy's room. Magnus had been sure to buy them the best private room available so it was completely kitted out for them both, including a bed for Simon to sleep in too with their own ensuite.

"Hey big brother" Izzy said in a sleepy voice looking exhausted as Alec smiled at her and sat next to her on the bed. Taking her hand and holding it.

"Hey Iz. How are you feeling?" Alec asked, he wanted to see the baby so much but he needed to check on Izzy first.

"Very tired and sore. However. Would you like to meet Alexandria Rebecca?" Izzy asked, earning a frown from all three of them.

"Iz? I thought we agreed on the other way around?" Simon asked timidly.

"Yeah we did but that was before I had to push a cantaloupe out my area and have 10 stitches. I want it the other way!" Izzy glared. Alec frozen not wanting to move in case Izzy turned on him.

"Izzy. You can't be serious?" Simon sighed shaking his head. "We've had this decided for month. I'm sorry you had such a rough time, and I wish that you hadn't had to go through all that but you're really going to do this?"

"Yes" Izzy stated, glaring at Simon to challenge her, who just shrugged in annoyance and sat down on the chair. Alec now turning and looking at her. "What? I want your name first"

"Izzy. Seriously? I don't care if my name is first or second. The fact that you used my name is amazing and a honour but don't go changing it now. Like Simon said, you've had this planned for months" Alec said hoping to talk some sense into his stubborn sister who actually sighed.

"Fine. But only because you are siding with Simon. The fact that you are, probably means I'm being a bitch. Would you like to meet Rebecca Alexandria then?" Izzy smiled, admitting defeat and Alec chuckling at how quickly she backed down. Simon finally smiling too

"Of course. I'd love to meet my niece" Alec grinned. Standing up and walking to the cot before gently picking up the tiny baby. Unable to stop the tears falling as she cooed in his arms and held onto his finger. "She's beautiful. Hello my beautiful little lady. I'm Uncle Alec, and this is you Uncle Magnus. Magnus. I want ours now"

"We will have our baby soon. We only have 3 months" Magnus smiled, tears falling from his eyes as he watched Alec interacting with his new niece.

"There's something we want to ask you both actually" Simon smiled, walking over to sit with Izzy and watching as Alec passed Rebecca to Magnus. "We was wondering if you would be her godparents?"

"Really?" Magnus asked, he head flying up to them. "We would be honoured"

"Definitely. Yes" Alec stated neither of them having to think about it.

"Excellent. We know you two will be amazing dads and honestly, if anything ever happened to us. Well, we know she will be loved and well cared for" Izzy smiled. "Now can I have my daughter back?"

Alec chuckled as Magnus begrudgingly handed her over to Izzy before wrapping a hand around Alec waist to watch the new family. Excitement filling his heart that they would have their baby soon too.

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