65) Wedding Talk

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Alec and Magnus looked at one another before Alec moved and rested his head on Magnus's lap, sighing softly as he snuggled in. They had been so happy before, getting the house finally and tricking Lorenzo but now Alec was feeling a little bad about the whole situation.

"You ok my love?" Magnus asked as he ran his fingers through Alec's hair.

"Yeah I just feel bad. Like I know I hated the guy, but that must be an awful way to go. Being crushed by a pool table" Alec frowned just at the thought of it.

"I know baby. Can... can I ask what you want to do with the house?" Magnus asked softly.

"What do you mean?" Alec frowned, turning around slightly in Magnus's lap to gaze up at him.

"Well.. do you still want the house or did you want to sell it? You know some people don't like living in a house knowing someone died in it" Magnus replied, running a hand over Alec's frown. 

"No I still want to live there. If you think about it, most places would of had someone die in them at one time or another, this is no different but I think we need to get the builders in to give the place a full check to make sure its completely safe for us and maybe we could redecorate a bit once the flooring has been fixed" Alec shrugged smiling up at Magnus slightly. "What about you? You ok with it?"

"Yeah I don't mind. I completely agree with you" Magnus smiled, leaning down and kissing Alec's lips. "I'm so pleased we finally got the house. Once we have the all clear from the police, I'll call a building contractors I know and get the ball moving. I want us in that house by the end of the month, at the latest"

"Sounds good to me baby" Alec grinned forgetting all about the death as he though about him and Magnus in their dream home and starting their life together. "You know what we haven't done? We've not spoken about the wedding yet really. You had any ideas?"

"I know. I was thinking that myself, I want to do the Bahamas beach wedding like you said, I think thats perfect for us. I was thinking White wooden chairs, a purple carpet leading up to a white arch which is covered in purple and blue flowers, we could have the same coloured flowers dotted around at the end of the lines of chair is tall vases too.  Simon could play the guitar for us. Funnily enough, I love the idea of it being simple with the added glitter. Obviously I want Izzy and Clary up their with me, I know you have Jace is there anyone else you want?" Magnus asked.

"My mother is going to walk with me. I want Luke up their with me too and Max to carry the rings. How about Madzie as the flower girl?" Alec added, his excitement bubbling.

"Sounds perfect to me. And Luke? As in Lucian Graymark? The bell boy?" Magnus questioned, slightly confused that Alec would want him to be there

"He's actually a really good friend of mine, and a regular customer. Honestly, without him I don't know where I will be or if we would even be together. He's like a father figure too me. My real dad is a dick, he's the closest I've got and I wouldn't have it any other way" Alec smiled as Magnus beamed down at him.

"He is a lovely man, I had no idea that you two know each other though. You never said to me that you knew him. What about that night when you stayed over and you was talking to him? And Ok, so we have Maryse walking you. Do I need to have someone?" Magnus suddenly frowned, realising he didn't have his own mother.

"Oh I was so nervous that I didn't recognise him, well I didn't pay much attention to him to be honest. It wasn't until he brought it up with me that I clicked on as to who he was. You don't need to have someone walk you down, I just think I want my mum there with my but maybe Cat can? Or even Clary?" Alec added, lightly brushing his finger over Magnus's frown.

"Oh Okay, thats fair enough. I was really nervous too. Who would of thought that we would now be laying here discussing our wedding after that night and oh Catarina would be good. Okay so Catarina and Maryse walking us down the aisle. We have Clary and Izzy as bridesmaids, Madzie as the flower girl. That the girls sorted. Then we have Jace and Luke as the best men, Max as the bell boy and Simon on music. What about an officiant? Do we hire one or..." Magnus asked.

"Well, why doesn't Catarina do that too? She seems like she could speak in front of a group like that?" Alec smiled.

"Perfect. Ill speak to her. When do you want to get married?" Magnus grinned loving how much they match on their wedding plans.

"As quick as possible" Alec rushed out, making Magnus laugh.

"Ok, so... I think I could get this all planned for in a months time?" Magnus smirked seeing Alec's grin spread across his face.

"Definitely. Yes. I'm in" Alec gushed out. "You be ok getting the suits done by then? And what about the dresses?"

"Alexander, I have the suits made already. I sorted them when we first got engaged" Magnus admitted, a slight blush across his caramel coloured cheeks. "I just need us all to go for suit fittings, I do need to make an additional one for Luke though. And I need to get the dresses sorted properly but most of that is done with the help of your sister"

"Wait... you and Izzy have already sorted the dressers" Alec smirked.

"Yes.. sorry" Magnus smiled slightly.

"Why are you sorry? This is brilliant. I get to marry you quicker then I though" Alec chuckled pulling Magnus's lips down to his. "So when do you need my guys in for a suit fitting?"

"ASAP" Magnus laughed, "Are you okay with the White, blue and purple colour scheme with the added glitter?" Alec nodded, pulling Magnus back down as Magnus smirked and returned his lips to Alec's.

"Hold that thought..." Alec said, panting a little when they broke from the kiss seeing Magnus's confused look. "...bedroom" Getting off Magnus's lap he walked into the bedroom, leaving the door open. It took a while for Magnus to gather his thoughts before getting up and running into the bedroom too, slamming the door behind him.

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