Chapter Twenty Two

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Third Person's POV

The two left the shop and headed towards their School. Taehyung decided to walk the smaller male into his classroom but they stopped midway when Sungwoon and his other friends starts running towards their direction. Taehyung quickly grabbed Jimin's wrist, eyes boring on them.

They stopped in front of them with a bright expressions, Sungwoon was about to open his mouth to greet the younger male when Taehyung cuts in.

"Jimin is with me. He can't go with you." Taehyung said sternly. Sungwoon's other friends snorted, Taehyung look over them face smug.

"We're just about to greet him." Sungwoon retorts tone laced with mockery and Taehyung smirked before glancing back at Sungwoon.

"Really? Then what's that uniform for?" Taehyung asked looking up and down at the other male, amused smirk painted on his lips.

"Leader-nim, why are you lying?" Jinyoung asked before glancing at Jimin, "We were about to ask you if you could join us practice, Jimin." Jinyoung said eyes directed at the other male, Jimin's look over them with guilt expression.

"He got sick few days ago and you expect him to practice with you?" Taehyung asked exasperatedly, all of the team members look at Jimin worriedly. Jimin was about to protest but he was cut off by Jinyoung.

"Jimin, are you okay now?" He asked with wide eyes, Taehyung wrapped an arm around Jimin's shoulder and brought him closer to his side.

"He isn't." He lied before sliding his hand down to Jimin's waist, "That's why I'm assisting him." Jimin looked at him shocked mouth parted, shaking his head slowly.

"Now move away." Taehyung added purposely ignoring Jimin's protest and dragged the smaller male away but Sungwoon prevent them from getting away eyes focused on Jimin, face concern as he moves closer, decreasing the distance between them.

"W-wait," Sungwoon says, "Jimin are you really okay now?" He asked tone concern, Jimin opened his mouth but the younger was cut off again by Minhyun, who's now beside Sungwoon with Jisung.

"You could've at least text us, Jimin." He blurted out, Jaehwan and Jinyoung moves closer as well.

"Yeah right, just call any of us and don't seek help to others." Jisung spat roughly eyes glued on the other male, Taehyung huffed in annoyance, face darkened.

Falling For You Again, Jeon Jungkook [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now