Chapter Sixty Three

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Third Person's POV

The lovers were seated on the grass with the younger leaning against the older's chest while Jungkook engulfing his small frame. Both are smiling contently as they looking at the view in front of them.

They were silent enjoying each other's presence.

Jungkook's POV

After leaving him two years ago I swore that I wouldn't do anything with him and prepared myself for the consequences of that decision. I lived with miserable life, thoughts full of regret and guilt.

But fate sure has another plan for us.

I leaned in and brought him closer to me, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this angel, I can't wait to build a family together with him with our soon to be little angels.

"You're thinking deeply, don't you?" He teased, I chuckle— he caught me. Then I hummed in response smiling playfully.

"What are you thinking?" He asks.

"Thinking of us, I'm picturing us with our Little Minnie and Little Kookie." Jimin laughs in amusement body shaking in my arms.

"Are you serious?!" He asked me amusement laced in his voice.

"I am baby, don't you want that?" I asked him in calm tone, he reached my hand that was holding him and intertwines it.

"Of course I want a Little Minnie and Kookie. I was amazed cause I was thinking the same thing." He answers smiling.

"It's because... You are me, I am You." I laughed when he elbowed me gently.

"Silly." He retorts back. "But I was actually thinking of three not just two." Jimin admits and I raise a brow in confusion, what does that mean?

"I was thinking of Little Minnie, Kookie and... Little Tae." My expression fell down, bewildered.

"You want a child from Taehyung?! Jimin, are you fucking serious? Baby I love you! You know how much I love you to death that I would get the moon for you if I can! But this?! Baby! I can't allow that!" Jimin broke down into a fit of laugher at my rant, I was confused as hell.

"You can't get to laugh!" I shrieked to him as I shook his shoulder, he won't stop laughing, I hug him defeated and nuzzled my face on the crook of his neck.

"Baby no..." I said with desperation.

"I was saying... I want triplets." My eyes widen and titled my head up, "I want to have Little Minnie who just look like me but I want baby Minnie to get his or her personality from you as for our Little Kookie... Oh my god, just by thinking of these makes me excited... I want him to inherit your features except your nose." I rolled my eyes and groans, he starts giggling.

Falling For You Again, Jeon Jungkook [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now