Chapter Forty One

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Third Person's POV

Past; November 19, 2016

9:02 am.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes, scrunching his face up at the bright light. Jimin pushes himself and sat up. He grabbed his phone that was placed on the table beside his bed to check the time but then his eyes widened when he noticed he received a voice message from Jungkook. 

Jungkook had sent the voice message at 12:01 in the morning. Jimin settle himself in his bed and hurriedly opened the voice message, heart beat racing so fast.

["Hey baby... Do you still remember our agreement? I asked you to give me a month and right now is the 30th day." ]

Jimin's expression fell down as he heard his faint voice and stayed silent as he listens to him.

["For the past weeks that I couldn't do anything but to be away from you, I was miserable. Its like I'm about to lose my mind, doesn't even know what to do, on how to distract myself from the pain, from the emptiness that I felt because of your absence."]

["I badly want to embrace you in my arms and don't ever let you go. I wanted to hold you again, I wanted to be near you."]

["But then whenever I see you looking so peaceful and contented whenever you are with your friends, with your bestfriend, doing your own things without me, makes me realize how selfish I was."]

["I took one of the things that makes you happy because I was over possessive of you and ignoring the fact that you do have your own life too."]

Jimin felt his eyes stinging because he could feel the pain Jungkook was feeling at the moment, I wish I was there to hold you and tells you, it's okay now. 

["Remember when Eunwoo confessed to you?"]

["His confession triggered me, it all started because of that. I couldn't help but to doubt your love. I'm so fucking sorry for feeling that way... I couldn't help it."]

["I... I was threatened."]

Jimin pressed his eyes shut tightly. Jimin knows that he felt that way, that he feel threatened to Eunwoo but still he said those hurtful words to him...

"Eunwoo is my bestfriend Jungkook, a very close friend of mine. He came into my life first before you, did you already forgot? He's the person who knows me most, who understand me more than anyone else, more than you!"

Jimin's heart felt so heavy and ached like hell. He regret saying those hurtful words towards Jungkook, he didn't even apologize for saying those.

Falling For You Again, Jeon Jungkook [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now