The Link Up

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By the time Egypt opened her eyes it was already 5 am, the car would be there in half a hour. She didn't have time to get ready. She rushed to the back room and placed on some joggers that hugged her body, and a T-shirt.

She gave herself time to actually apply some makeup to her face, just some light makeup.

Nothing to flashy, she was going to meet up with a prisoner and have to work with him. Judging by the little note left in the red file Egypt was going to have to find some place for this maniac to stay.

Which would prove to be hard, but not impossible. He had his looks which would help him with the ladies. Also the fact that his crimes haven't been pubic will also help. We all know he's dangerous, but nobody knows what for. For all everyone knows he could just be a dangerous computer hacker.

Which was on his list of crimes, meaning he was smart. So why would he turn himself in?

It seemed like to quickly when Egypt heard the honking of a car from outside. He was just finishing putting her hair in one long ponytail and slaying her edges. She was a African American woman but the Indian in her blood allowed for her natural hair to be long.

She rushed to the closet to grab a pair of slacks and a dress shirt just in case she needed to change. She grabbed her purse sliding the clothes and files inside of it. Before throwing her keys inside as well. She was running on barely any sleep.

Running to the closet she placed on some Black Jordan 7's and hurried outside to the car. She tried to look as basic as she could but it still was a little flashy. The Jordan's on her feet didn't help her try to look humble. Also the fact that her joggers came from pink didn't help.

All she had was name brand items, that was mostly because her parents felt bad to making most of her life hell, so they wanted her adult life to be the best it could.

When she got inside the car she was met with two men who occupied the front seats.

One man looking young with his driver's cap on and sunglasses. He must have just been the driver. The other man in the passenger seat being a older gentleman looking to be in his late 40's he was a white male, with a brown long over coat on.

"Hi, the names Scott, Scott Norman. I'm a private investigator, I was asked by the families of the Shadow Killer to help solve the case. So Lieutenant Gordon hired me help you with your investigation of the Shadow Killer". He said it all with a reassuring smile.

"Of course they wouldn't just trust me alone". She huffed in barely a whisper

"Huh?" Scott questioned

"Nothing". She replied instantly. "Thanks for the um...assistance". She shrugged

"I listen to all your orders, your the head of this investigation right?". He chuckled. "I'm just part of the team".

She smiled as she leaned back in the seat, and relaxed as her bag snuggled close to her body. She fell into a deep sleep, not once letting go of her bag. When she woke she was in the middle of a dirt area, the car still moving but no town around her.

"How long have I been out?" She questioned hoping to get a quick answer.

"About 7 hours". Scott replied chucking at her shocked expression.

"Oh, where are we headed". She questioned needing to know if she was being kidnapped.

"Florence Colorado". Her mouth dropped and she leaned comfortable back on the seats of the car. Florence was about 25 hours away from Rochester.

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