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Third Person (2k words)

Egypt's fit ^^ Also music added

Egypt was dressed to impress, her cropped maroon long sleeve, a black jean skirt, and Maroon furry slides. Jayden actually dressed casual with black jean and a matching maroon long sleeve T-shirt. They both were coordinated as they stepped into captain Perry's office.

Everyone in the office watching them as they walked in arms linked. They were mostly shocked by Jayden's attire. As he was always wearing suits but Egypt brought him out his comfort zone and he looked good.

Jayden closed the door to captain Perry's office, and both Egypt and Jayden stood in front of his desk.

"Captain Perry. I know you may not want to hear this. But Blake and Gordon are terrible cops and they have both committed terrible crimes and need to be arrested". Egypt proclaimed

"Officer Jones!". He said. "That's a serious offense. What is it that you think they did?".

"I don't think Captain Perry I know". Egypt smirked as she pulled out the evidence she had to offer.

Jayden opened his laptop and inserted a flash drive into the laptop while Egypt got her phone ready.

Jayden played the video of Gordon and Erik.

"TELL ME WHAT I WANT TO KNOW". Then you heard a slap. A slap that struck the face of Erik by the hands of Gordon. The threats went on for a while..Gordon knew a lot about Erik.
"I know your connected to Egypt! I WILL RUIN HER IF YOU DON'T TELL ME! I DON'T CARE IF ITS A FAKE CONFESSION. All I need is one and I'll have you in the prison forever! Remember Egypt is on the line". He yelled at Erik.

The video was a hour long, Gordon slapped Erik, punched Erik. Erik was standing his hands and ankles chained to a wall making it to where he had to take the punches.

Erik spilled the confessions, so even if they were true looked as if they all were fake so Gordon didn't have a real case. Then I played the video on my phone of Nathan Kramer admitting the murder of Michael Coleman.

"He admitted that Gordi did kill Michael Coleman. And Blake was the officer that handled the crime. Remember why the case was closed. A huge lump of cash was given to the office and Blake told you it was a gift when in actually Blake took the money from Nathan Hayes as a bribe. To end the case on his son".

Captain Perry was astonished, but there was hardcore evidence and proof all in front of him. There was no case here, these men didn't even need a trial they were guilty

"Officer Jones, Agent Ross......arrest those two". Captain Perry was obviously stressed but Egypt and Jayden were happy.

Jayden walked out the room and quickly arrested Blake. "What the hell Ross".

"You are under arrest, anything you say can and will used against you in a court of law". Jayden said proudly

I grabbed Gordon's hands roughly and pinned them behind his back. "Officer Jones, I will have your badge for this. Your fired".

"And your arrested". Egypt chuckled. "You are under arrest, anything you say can and will used against you in a court of law". She repeated like she has to as she escorted him and Jayden escorted Blake towards captain Perry's room.

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