Safe Place

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Egypt's POV (2k words)

Egypt's fit^^

As soon as they got home I rushed to the apartment. I didn't call the entire time I was out and I wanted to see my Khari baby. I rushed to the apartment shoving the key inside the lock and being afraid that something happened to my little 7 month old joy.

But when I opened the door I was greeted with another sight, Paige was sitting on the floor with Khari singing baby shark to her. It was cute and my baby wasn't hurt in the slightest. I slowly walked over, and picked up my little joy. I was shocked that she was even awake.

"Why are you awake babygirl!" I spoke happily.

"You wanted see daddy and your brother again huh?" Erik chimed in.

"Oh hush, ain't nobody want to see you". I joked

"Da-da". She spoke and I was shook. She said her first words and I was happy but the fact that it was Dada made me slightly upset. Erik ain't that much of shit to his name said first. Yeah that was jealously running through my veins.

"Awwwww". Paige spoke in awe. "Look who said her first wordie".

"Yeah, and it was Dada". I said slightly irritated. I handed Khari to Erik who was joyous and I walked to the back room. Into my bedroom, "Come Derrick". I grabbed the hand of my 5 year old and we were in the bedroom now.

I changed him into his favorite iron man pajamas and we both climbed into my bed. He laid in the middle of the bed and I faced him. I caressed the side of his face with the back of my hand, "You okay baby". I asked softly to my 5 year old.

"Yes, Mommy". He responded

"Did they do anything to you? Did...did they hurt you?" I asked hesitantly. But I needed to know the answer.

"They hurt daddy". He spoke softly. "They punched him. Kicked him". I nodded as I knew they probably would have. Probably when they were taken.

"Daddy, is alright okay D. He can take a punch he's a buff ass man". I smiled as his nose and mine were basically touching. I chuckled and he did as well.

"I was scared mommy". He admitted to me. I was scared as well for his well being. As not only a FBI agent but as his mother. I needed to know that my child was safe and now that he is, he's going to cuddle with me until he was grown enough to leave.

"You don't have to be scared as long as I'm here. I'll always be there for you. I promise". I smiled as he did as well. If my children didn't feel safe in my care, my job as a mother wasn't completely done.

I wanted my son, and daughter to feel as if they could be safe with me. Derrick ended up falling asleep in my arms and I was comfortable with that. Soon I felt something get placed on my back. Then I heard a little, "Ma-ma". I smiled as the thing was my baby, and she said my name. She was lifted from my back and I turned seeing Erik holding my little pile of joy.

"She said mama". I smiled I almost jumped out of bed. I was so happy, even if she did say Erik's title first. I looked at Derrick, remembering his first word to be mama. "Give me my little nugget". Erik handed me my little nugget baby. I held her on my chest, cradling her as she looked me in my eyes.

Her big joyous eyes, were staring at me, until she laid her big head down on my breast. She in a few moments was knocked out on my chest. Erik kneeled down beside me on the bed, leaning in towards my ear.

"When am I going to get my cuddle time". He whispered. But his cuddle time wasn't innocent what so ever.

"I'm under a pile of mini Erik's right now Erik". I laughed

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