More Mechanics? Fun!

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Egypt's POV (2.7k words)

Really important question at the end of this chapter. Please take heed to it

I got into her car that I finally got the keys back from Erik and drove off. Hopefully I would come back with some clues and Paige's gift that I have been looking into. I decided upon what she was getting but the hardest part was the actual color of it, so can't go wrong with black and a splash of color. Also Erik's been moving around helping us so I decided to get him something as well.

Hopefully things go well, they should be delivered to my home today. Actually they should already be there by now, I would go check after I deal with Jayden's lead.

I followed the directions he gave me, and pulled into this junkyard off a good distance from town, I could feel my cars tires trudging through the mud as I pulled up, seeing a car that didn't look junky already there. Had to have been Jayden's no doubt about it. I looked around grabbing my purse that held my holster, that I carried inside in case I'm in a situation such as this. I belted the holster on my body, and went ahead with everything.

I sat in the car for a lonely minute, looking and eyeballing the gun that Erik had given me. It was beautiful, for it to have been a dangerous  piece life ending material. I jolted my head slightly as I heard a knock on my glass window. Turning to see Jayden lightly knocking, smiling and waving as I looked at him.

I genuinely smiled as I opened the car door and stepped out to meet him in the rain. "Nice gun". He commented, he must have seen it as I was also admiring its beauty.

"Thanks, gift from a friend". It wasn't a lie, Erik was just a friend. One that's about to return to jail, the closer we get to solving this case and I found myself highly upset about it. I don't want him to leave me, and I don't want to believe how I'm going to feel after he's gone. "So, who's getting the 3rd degree". I said but Jayden took in my appearance. I almost forgot he was in the FBI.

"What happened, did you get into a fight?" He questioned and I nodded.

"You should see the other guy". I chuckled and he returned it knowing that if I'm laughing I'm probably alright. I mean the old guy didn't do to much damage, well except to my ego of course.

"Jackson Varjack. He handled the car of the tire tracks you got. Maybe we can get the name of the man who got the stolen car".

"That's a good lead if I do say so myself. I think we're really getting close to cracking this thing". I smiled

"I think we can, a few more slips and the killer is ours". He smiled

I followed behind Jayden, as he walked around the muddy junkyard. This place gave me the creeps, I didn't have much to say as this place didn't leave much of the ways in commentary. Well at least not in a good way.

We came up on this large drive able crane that had a claw end like a claw machine game in arcades.

"Can you turn that thing off". Jayden yelled and he sounded so nice while saying it, you could easily tell he wasn't a New Yorker.

Jackson on the other hand, he was huge. He was a black man, he was about 6'2 easily towering over Jayden and I, he was almost as big as Erik, and that right there was terrifying.

"Jayden Ross, and Egypt Jones FBI, we'd like to ask you a few questions". Hearing Jayden say my name then FBI, made me feel all jittery. I couldn't even dream of being in the FBI, it was something I'd love to do but didn't think I could.

"I'm listening". He said his voice deep, and thunderous.

"Can we go inside?" Jayden asked and Jackson led us to this huge looking shed that was big enough to hold many cars inside for him to work on.

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