New York's Heroine

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Third person (2.5k words)

Egypt pulled up to the warehouse, seems like she wasn't the only one just getting there. Jayden pulled up on the other side with Paige on the back of the bike, then Erik and Ethan on Erik's bike.

Nobody seen Egypt as she was a little farther back. Erik noticed Paige was crying and that just wouldn't hold well with him.

"Wassup Paige 10?".

"E-Eg-Egypt". She stuttered

"What? What happened to Cleo?". He questioned

"She died! The Shadow killer killed her". Paige wailed into Erik's arms. Crying her little heart out.

Erik was lost for words, "She found the apartment of the Shadow Killer, but he ended up leaving her in his apartment and lighting it on fire. From the new reports he must have left a gas can as the whole floor exploded". Jayden said calmly as he was fighting back the tears. He found Egypt as a close friend who respected him and his efforts. There will never be anyone like her. He knows this.

Erik growled, he turned towards the warehouse and punched the door, leaving a dent in it. Strong ass fucker.

"She's dead". Paige cried as Erik snapped out of rage and allowed Paige to cry into his chest.

"Damn, she could have gotten wifed up to". Erik said in his head. He wasn't show it like Paige but he was upset with the news. Egypt was one girl who he thought could handle him. Make him a better man. But now she's gone, well they thing that "Calm down alright, we'll kill this clown, we will all get revenge for her". Erik spoke. Everyone agreeing in response.

"For Egypt?" Jayden said

Then they all in unison spoke, "For Egypt!". Loudly

"Well before all this happens can I get the chance to die first". Egypt said giggling as she walked into view of the group.

"EGYPT!". Paige screamed

Paige ran full speed towards the girl she thought was dead, leaping and tackling her to the ground. But she was slightly off and missed Egypt but did bring Egypt to her knees. They both scrabbled and embraced each other Paige jumping and wrapping her arms and legs around Egypt.

Egypt just hugged her tight and walked back over towards her group of friends. Paige unwrapped her legs and stood, eventually both the girls fell on the floor entangled in each other. Being the only two women around this group of men, they were watched and all of them cracked smiles at the happiness of their girls. Even Erik cracked a slight grin.

"How did you live!". Paige's asked her face still stuck right in Egypt's chest as she kept hugging her.

"I hid inside a fridge". Egypt said nonchalantly.

Everyone chuckled but it was smart, when the girls finally decided to let go of each other Egypt ordered Jayden and Erik to pull open the door.

Egypt was the first to run inside, leaving the men behind her. She stopped and fell on her knees in front of the open well.

"Don't worry buddy, I'm going to get you out of here". Egypt said to the little boy who was holding on to what was left of his life.

Egypt looked around but didn't see anything to get the lock open, so she said screw it. "Let go of the bars Logan. On top of the open well we're bars that he was holding on to.

She knew if he let them go he would fall under the water but if he wanted to get out he'd have to. He listened to Egypt, slowly submerging himself under the water. She shot the lock, busting it. She got help from Erik, Ethan and Jayden to lift the heavy grate off the top of the well.

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