Once Upon A Afternoon & Mommy X Son

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Egypt's POV


After about a week with staying with the Wakandans, I've learned so much about this place and it's culture. The entire place is beautiful, everyone is nice and it's a all around loving city. I hated people calling me the princess when I walked the streets but I had to get used to it.

Often people would call out to Erik, calling home 'Prince N'Jadaka'. But when they called to me I sometimes didn't know they were talking to me.

"Princess?", They would say and I wouldn't know they were talking to me and I'd ignore until Erik bumped me and reminded me.

"Oh? Me? Princess?. I'm sorry". I would have to apologize all day. T'Challa has gotten Erik and I our own little place that was quite. No neighboring houses nothing we were all alone, just the kids, him and I.

The pool in the back of the house was nice, the house was all actually lovely. Very spacey place big enough to house more then just 4 people.

As of right now, Erik was with T'Challa solving something about the men that wanted to take us, while I had to meet with Queen mother. Who wasn't Queen anymore as she let her son take the throne.

She was a very beautiful woman, and she was real nice to me, although I'm sure her main priority was to meet her grandkids.

"Your kids are beautiful. You daughter has the beauty of you". She complimented

"Thank you Queen Mother". I responded

"How old are they?"

"Derrick is 5 and Khari is 1". I commented. The kids were in the throne room playing around with Shuri. Khari crawling around on all fours and Derrick playing with a helicopter toy.

"Such Joyous kids. Is Erik a good father?" I understood why she asked that. After all he did come to Wakanda heartless and hard as stone.

"He's softened up since the last time you seen him. The reason is the one on her knees". I was mentioning Khari. She was the ultimate reason for Erik's de-hardening. It started with me, then Derrick but Khari was his ultimate defeat.

Mostly because a little girl depends on her parents, her father while she's a baby, but her mother as she grows. Erik had to become a role model for 2 people it's why he changed his ways. But he only let Egypt know that, everyone else still thinks he dangerous.

His first instinct isn't to kill anymore, but that don't mean he won't. If Khari, Derrick or myself ever get into any trouble he won't hesitate to end the world and everyone on it.

"I believe you. I'm shocked he and T'Challa hasn't gotten into a argument. I assume that is because of you".

"I warned him to keep his issues between the people that deserve it. I'm sure your son has nothing to do with his vendetta for his father".

"Your right. Have you always been this wise of a young girl?"

"I mean I guess. Why act irrational if there's no need be".

She lightly chuckled, as he walked slowly towards me, "Where have you been all his life huh?" She stopped before me, with a smile so bright you'd see it outside this room.

"You mean where has he been all mine. We were friends since he was 12". I mentioned

"The murder of his father, took him away. I understand that. I honestly was in the dark about it until N'Jadaka came here...... I didn't believe my husband could be capable of such destruction. When he died it was all destruction in Wakanda he just didn't tell me the destruction he was leaving for me".

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