Twins Lost To One Another

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Egypt's POV

Egypt's fit ^ (5.2k words)

What a happy Sunday it is for my friendo...this chapter for you

Once we got back to the motel, I got a call from Scott. Lauren had came to see him again and they figured something out. Which was good, it gave everyone a reason to ride their bikes again. Also a reason to change clothes. Paige and I looked like a mess.

I walked into the motel, and just grabbed something casual. I wanted to be comfy so I changed into some black jeans and T-shirt, with some light brown uggs and a brown jacket to match. Then threw on some round lensed glasses. I also made Erik wear his, because if I had a chance to twin with Erik Imma take it. Which he put them on without much of a fight with me.

We all pulled up at Scott's and parked our bikes in the parking lot of Scott's apartment. I slowly but surely pulled the helmet off my head. Hopping off my bike and making sure to put the kickstand down. I held on to my helmet as we walked into the apartment we all did.

All of our helmets are engraved with our names, so we didn't mistake them. I knocked on the door of Scott's apartment and he opened the door. It was starting to pour outside, my trio running up here before we got soaked.

"Hey Scott. Have you met Paige?"

"No, I haven't. Hello Paige". Scott smiled and Paige did as well. "Hello again Erik".

Erik was back on his silent mode thing again, imma find out one day why he's so silent around Scott. Maybe it was something to do with his past. Who knows with that complicated mind and life of his.

He allowed us all inside, as we all piled in He all let us sit at the chairs at his desk. While he spoke about Lauren coming and needing a shower. And that he was about to step away, to make her something to eat.

He went ahead to his kitchen, to cook her something. While Erik stood at the corner watching Scott's every move. Also watching me, like I was a piece of meat. Just be under his gaze was nerve racking. He was always just watching me like he wanted to do something to me right then and now.

I heard the shower stop, then out came from the bedroom Lauren wrapped in a bath robe. "Hey Lauren". I said sweetly. "This is my best friend Paige". I introduced

"Hey Egypt". She said causally then turned to appropriately greet Paige. As she held her hand out for Paige to shake. They both shook each others hands, good grips. "Hello Paige".

"Hello Lauren".

"Well! Now that we are all acquainted let's get this meeting started now shall we". I cut in, standing from my chair and heading into the kitchen. The kitchen wasn't a big one, so only Lauren, Scott, and I were really inside of it.

"I'm sticking with Gordi. I mean he has the time, the means and not to mention the fucked up attitude to go along with everything". Scott said as he plated food for Lauren and set it in front of her. Looked to be French toast. "Hungry Egypt?" He questioned

" thank you. I couldn't eat if I had wanted to". I said with a nervous chuckle and smile. "Gordi is a good suspect Scott, but I just have a feeling. I don't think it's him. Maybe I just don't want to believe it's him".

"Well I don't want to convince you..just want the facts". He stated as he leaned on the now cooling stove. "He's only a suspect though. Just a pretty good and guilty looking one".

"I mean, he seems to be the only suspect that we've gotten and is still around to speak to us". I shook my head. After all this work we are really down to only one legitimate suspect. This couldn't be more worse, and to top it all off I don't even believe it was him.

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