Where's Logan ?

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Third Person

2.4k words

"Calm down Mr Mars. I need you to relax so I can understand everything that's going on". Egypt tried her best to calm down this man, who was shaking in his chair. "Now tell me what happened". She said as calmly as she could, muster up.

Wait! Let's take it backwards a minute.

(3 hours ago)

"You really don't rather sleep in the other room. The bed is cozy and I made it all up for you". Egypt tried to sell this man into getting out of the bed, and leaving her to rest alone. She and him were facing each other in a romantic and sexual way. The stares he was giving her deep, and sinful. She was slightly intimidated and all he was doing was looking at her. Things like that just made her feel like she needed a lot more intense training.

"I wanna stay here. Got a problem with that". He said coldly, she shook her head. In the back of her head she wanted him here, but her pride was a little to big to admit it.

His much bigger hand fell on her waist once more, causing her to have to steady her breathing so she didn't make it noticeable, that she was nervous.

While Erik was trying his best to make Egypt uncomfortable, on the other side of town at about 4:15 in the afternoon Ethan Mars was having some one on one time with his son Logan Mars. A 10-year-old boy who has had his share of issues. Logan once had a brother, a older brother named Shawn. The little boy died the day after his 10th birthday due to a car accident. Now that Logan was 10 his mother and father has a break up due to the incident.

From the understanding Ethan was watching Shawn when he disappeared into the huge crowd of the mall. Shawn disappeared in the crowd and wondered off into the street where he was hit by the car.

From that day forward Ethan Mars developed anxiety and a huge fear of crowds. He can stand crowds anymore. Some would say he never got over the death of his little boy. The guilt he felt turned into determination to protect Logan at all costs. Today was just supposed to be a fun afternoon in the park after school. Ethan wanted to have a good time with his son since he feels as if his relationship with his son is broken.

Ever since the separation, of his mother and him Logan hasn't been acting very well. The once joyful little boy was replaced by a saddened and quiet one. Logan never really held a conversation with his father anymore.

He used to love riding on Ethan's shoulders and having his father run around. Now, not so much. While playing with his son in the park, Ethan has many thoughts going through his head. The thing on the front through, how to get his son to be himself again.

He didn't know how he was ever going to be able to do something like that again. If that Logan would ever resurface again. Ethan notices the clouds and the little droplets of water start to hit his face. He explains to Logan that it's time to leave before the rain gets heavy but Logan sees a carousel in the park.

For the first time in about 2 years Ethan saw his son actually get excited about something. Being the man he was, he couldn't turn down seeing his son this happy. So of course he bought a ticket for him to ride the carousel, it was the least he could have done to end the day.

He bought the ticket then helped his son onto one of the little horses. Watching his son's eyes light up and him actually get excited for once. Ethan hasn't seen that in forever. He was happy for Logan, but upon that moment he started to get a dizzy feeling. Everything around him started to fade away. It was like a aftermath of taking a hardcore drug, except Ethan didn't do drugs.

He didn't know what had happened or why it was happening but he couldn't keep his eyes open for much longer.

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