Have A Game Of Golf?

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Third Person (2.6k words)

Egypt's fit^ also follow that page all outfits slay asf

Have y'all ever fought y'all siblings...like me and sis literally just fought like we was people on the streets and I was WHOOPING HER ASS. Granted it was all jokes tho, she literally pulled the ponytail holder out my head. I had to wash my hair and shit😂

But we getting that round two tho! Period! Anyways Enjoy the story

After leaving the shop, the horrifying incident was left in the depths of Lauren's heart, she'll remember that day for the rest of her life. She had just made friends with that elderly man, but to have his untimely death happen right in a room beside her was fear shaking.

Scott has dropped Lauren off at her place, telling her he has something he needed to do, something she didn't need to be there for. He instead went to pick up Egypt and Erik. Which after he had called Egypt she and Erik took a Uber to the police station, or near it actually.

Egypt had the spooks, she couldn't go in there as of now. She just couldn't face Jayden or Blake. Who knows what will happen to her, if the precinct finds out she's harboring a fugitive. She was practically panting now, Erik slapped her back a couple times getting her rather angry.

"What the hell! That isn't helping!"

"Wasn't tryna help, tryna get you to shut the hell up". He said calmly lookin downwards at her figure.

"You, giant ass hotep nigga". Egypt said, but Erik just responded with a chuckle of delight.

"You like this hotep ass nigga, so until that changes stop frontin shawty!" He said while still chuckling. She wanted to smack him right in his face. She wanted to smack the dimples right off his face.

Then again, she wouldn't. She didn't like the thought of dying in broad daylight. So she just waited there, she was glad that today was a drought day, no rain what so ever.

That didn't stop the freezing cold weather though, by how cold it was Logan Mars wouldn't have to die from drowning. He could die from just getting a bad flu. Who knows but Egypt wasn't trying to figure that out.

"Aye chill, we will find that boy aight! Calm yo thick ass down!" Erik spoke. Egypt cocked her head to the side, she never clarified herself as thick.

She had mediocre thighs, enough to grab though, she wasn't on the thin to boney side. So she was happy for the compliment.

Egypt then felt a slap on her ass, and she turned to look at the culprit. "Aye, it was looking mighty fat" Erik said with that devilish smirk of his.

She shook her head as the familiar car of Scott's pull up. Erik gladly and silently got in the back, Egypt in the front. "Hey Scott". Egypt greeted.

"Hey, Egypt. Hello to you to Erik". Scott looked into the mirror to look at Erik who only gave a head nod. Every time...it never fails. Whenever he gets around Scott, or the police he's as silent as a bird. Sometimes even with Ethan, but I feel like he's warming up to Ethan. That was good in the very least.

Good thing Ethan is back at the motel, safe right now. Hopefully things can stay that way, well until we are able to figure out the next trial. 2 more to go, we are to close to come back from this now.

Everything was right where it should be, everything and everyone was focused on the job at hand and Scott was about to take us to follow a lead on the Hayes family.

"So what are we doing?" Egypt asked Scott. Just needing a few more key details before she gets herself into any more of a hole.

"We are going to talk to Nathan Hayes, Gordi's father".

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