The Shadow Killer

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Third person (2k words)

Egypt's FIT^ she didn't change

So I love my readers JayyyBird20 and mysterious45_ so much that imma drop this today❤️..THANK two beautiful ass people


The Shadow Killer was in his little safe haven, he's taken things from Scott's apartment while Scott was away. You wonder how? The Shadow killer is just that good.

He was watching Scott the entire time while he collected the items that he had left behind. He has before him the shoe box full of colorful papers that he once gave to Russel, Reza's father. He also has the envelope that was once given by Lauren, he also has the phone Scott took from the Garcia's home.

Scott was a Private investigator but what he didn't know what that he was being investigated himself. The Shadow Killer lit one match, and threw it into a metal trash in between his legs. Then afterwards threw in the rest of the box. The fire building up, then in went the shoe box.

He remembers, when Scott handled the robber and got the box from Russel. He then looks at the envelope tossing it inside the burning bin as well. The phone was next, then the killer looks at a picture of Luke Cage standing next to his twin brother and shed a tear as he remembered his brother.

He got up then left this place, leaving the fire to burn out.


"Are you sure you can handle this? I can come up with you if you'd like". Jayden offered. Paige, Jayden and I were outside this once friendly place but this was no longer business it was personal.

"No, let me handle this. Alone". I turned and walked towards it. When I got to the room, the door was locked, I knocked but to no avail did a get a answer. Getting down on one knee I shoved a Bobby pin inside the lock and started jingling away until it popped open.

I walked inside, immediately greeted by the smell of something burning. I knew my way around this place very well, so I decided to search the place.

Looking in the desk drawers, and finding a badge. "He use to be a cop. He knew exactly how a investigation would be carried out". Egypt said to herself. As she kept walking throughout the place. "Burning evidence". Egypt proclaimed stumbling upon the once burning trash.

Egypt checked the big wardrobe closet in the front office, she pulled back open the doors and was confirmed of her suspicion.

"A cops uniform! Always trust a cop huh. That's why children went with him". Egypt shook her head to herself. She had a gut feeling all along but she didn't go with it. She felt like a idiot but she outsmarted Blake, Erik, Scott and Gordon, and even Jayden.

Just goes to show you how smart and useful women really are.

Egypt wasn't done being brilliant yet, she pushed all the clothes to the side, and seen a handle. She opened the door behind the wardrobe and see all she needed to see. She took pictures really quick before stepping inside.

She was horrified at what she saw, he has a little mini garden inside this room where he grew the roses he left on his victims.

Also a laptop, T.V, and the typewriter! Egypt looked to the T.V. "Logan Mars! This lunatic has been watching him drown". Egypt was built up with fury. She looked towards the laptop and turned it on.

"Shit! Password". Egypt said to herself she didn't know what to think of. Then remembered the story the grave digger told her. "Max". She inputted the name and the laptop was opened. "The name Luke gave his little brother when they were kids".

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