The Meeting Kickoff

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I was called in that afternoon, Jayden had a meeting called so he could present his profile for the killer. I mentioned that I would be in soon, I had to feed and buy some clothes for Erik. I will not have him out here wearing the same few outfits over the duration of this case. He deserved better then that, I for one believe I was the only person who thought this way.

I pulled up to a Burger King again ordering half the menu for Erik, and just a $6 box for myself.

The $6 box comes with 1 burger, 1 chicken sandwich, fries, soda and a cookie. I never finish it all so it was enough for me. I got all the food paying with cash, then handed the bag to Erik, taking the box for myself out before handing it to him. I handed him one soda and me the other. I got a extra just in case knowing he was always a drinker. To my exact hypothesis he slurped down half his soda in one take then peeked into the bag for the rest of his feast.

I was shocked with how much he eats it never seems to show. I pulled off heading to the mall to get him some warm clothing for the rain, it was lightly sprinkling as of now, he needed more then just a jacket and a couple of jeans and T-shirt's.

I pulled into a parking space at the mall, then just waited as he finished up his food. I was able to finish up the chicken sandwich then left the rest for later. He didn't even finish his whole bag, he snatched the box that was sitting in my lap unexpectedly, and dropped it into his bag of unfinished foods. He then set the bag on the floor between his legs and and stepped out the car. Me following right behind him.

I kinda liked the professional Erik, he still didn't talk as much but he wasn't being a asshole. Which was a huge plus, he stalked right into the mall then stopped awaiting me to catch up.

I walked ahead and lead him through the mall, after 7 years I bet he didn't know his way around this mall. But I could also bet he'd figure it out in a heart beat.

He followed behind me, his footsteps light, I had to look back occasionally to see if he was even still there. I hated being at the mall today, it seems like every cute guy and his homeboys were at the mall today.

Man, I hated this. I loved that I did my edges and my outfit was on point today. I was getting many stares and a group of guys were headed straight my way. I could tell as they were all looking at me and licking their lips.

I didn't know why all them were looking at me though, it's not like I was going to talk with all of them at once. They got close but then their lip licking and flirtatious eyes changed and their now obvious objective was to avoid me.

But why? What in their heads changed at the sudden moment.

The feeling of a rough chest and the smell of cocoa butter filled my nose. A hand fell on the side of my waist then I realized what happened.

I mentally groaned in my head, I could have been feeling myself getting all these guys attention. Erik had to ruin my type of fun.

"Think you finna get some from someone else when you with me?". He whispered, his voice deep and had a evil flare to it. I was nervous, did he mean what I think he meant?

"No". I whispered back to him.

"Better be your answer. You want some dick...then you ask me. Try it with some other nigga see if you don't get his life ended". That threat sent fear through my body and a tingle to my core. He meant exactly what I thought he meant. "You understand me". He gritted through closed teeth.

"I understand". I thought I was in charge of the me and Erik interactions. I was proved wrong in this moment. It's not like I have sex on the daily with random guys anyways. I just like having the option of turning them down.

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