The Luck Of Partners

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Egypt's POV (2.7k words)

Egypt's fit^

The extra chapter is because, I have other stories to write and I need to get these chapters out!

After a lifetime in the mirror I finally got my braided back ponytails to look how I liked them.

Then I changed into something I thought would look less relaxed and more appropriate. Some jeans of course a blue hoodie stolen from Erik and of course he had something to say when I emerged from the room in his clothes.

"Woah, you on the stealing hoodies phase".

"Yeah, gotta issue?". I said as I passed him now really caring if he had a issue or not. I had the hoodie on and it wasn't coming off so he might as well not even ask about it. I slipped the gun that Erik so kindly gifted me into the side of my jeans tucking it away for hiding purposes.

Erik had him a firearm as well, and as a term of his outting he wasn't supposed to have on, but who was going to tell me anything. They didn't have to know. Erik's thought of mind was plaguing my brain. But he was always right, them police didn't have to know he had a weapon. He needs to protect himself as much as any other person.

"Hey Scott". I said as I walked up the stairs of his complex and saw him unlocking his door.

"Egypt! Hey". He said then directed his attention towards Erik. "Hello Erik".

Erik just grumbled, like he always did around Scott. No words, no small talk, just mumbling and growling.

"Have anything specific you wanted to meet with me about? Or just needed company". I smiled while lifting one eyebrow . Scott was twisting the keys inside his keyhole when he answered.

"I have a feeling on the Hayes family, they have to have some connection with the kills". He opened his door to a...

"I'm sorry Scott". From Lauren who was inside Scott's residence with Nathan Hayes and some goons.

"I told you to stop investigating my son. Mr. Norman. But I guess I'll just have to end it myself". The goons had us all cornered.

They knocked out Lauren and Scott, while Erik and I decided that we were going to fight them off. I swear I was able to get about 3 before they grabbed me.

Erik was torn between taking these men out of helping me. Of course he chose to help me..even though I yelled for him not to.

"No Erik! Just go!" I yelled in hopes of him leaving because Erik was strong. He was taking these guys out no was me that was his issues. He'd never leave me here...and that was his downfall.

He took out the two guards that held me, as a whole group of men tackled him to the floor. It's a shame they need 6 men to even get Erik to the floor. This was probably why he worked alone. No weaknesses to hold him back.

But then again, I never wanted to be his weakness. He could have just left me like I had asked but of course he wouldn't. No wonder I ended up having a liking towards my Best-friend.

He was really my ride or die. And right now he was choosing defeat for me.

They used the back of a gun to knock him out, "Erik!". I said full of sadness.

"Tut, tut, tut. Sucks doesn't it. Seeing the one you love tortured and harassed. It's how I feel about you with my son. But I won't have the problem anymore". That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

When I came to, it was with a harsh slap to my face. "OUCH!". I screamed as the slap stung like the bitch. I looked at the culprit as I could swear I felt my eyes darkening. "NIGGA DID YOH JUST SLAP ME!". I yelled at Erik

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