Welcome, Ross

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Agent Jayden Ross, never did get a good welcome once he got to this office. But he did come to help with the Shadow Killer's case. I knew he didn't expect everything to be peaches and cream. After speaking with Ethan Mars I decided upon staying in the office for a minute. Erik being tired he acted like a child, all angry and mean mugging every officer inside this place.

So I grabbed his hand like he was a child, but you think after last time I would know better. I pulled him into my office, which he could sit down and relax in. I had a big spinning chair that I pushed him into, "Stay. Sleep". I basically commanded. He slouched in the chair and I turned to leave the office, but automatically turning back once I heard his snores. Sitting in that chair for only 2 minutes and he was out.

He actually still looked mad even in his sleep. I walked deeper into my office and I had a special office. This one had a closet. I grabbed one of my special extra fluffy blankets that had cartoon characters from boomerang on it.

I carried it over to him, and covered his sleeping figure with it. I walked out my private office and into the station. I seen Jayden waiting outside Captain Perry's office. He looked irritated and bored. So I walked along up to him, hoping to cure him of his boredness.

"Agent Ross". I said cheerfully.

"Hey Egypt". This was the first time he has ever called me by my first name. It was weird but I liked the way he spoke it. As if he were a true friend actually happy to see me.

"Waiting on Captain Perry?". I questioned but by my observation I could already tell he was.

"Yeah. Just need to talk to him about this case.". He chuckled to ease the tension.

"The Shadow Killer case? Do you think Logan Mars could be a victim. I mean it could just be him getting lost".

"I think it's a huge possibility. Hopefully we can get him before the rain has a chance to end the little boy's life". He nodded his head after the sentence. As if on cue Captain Perry can walking out of his office. Walking to Cheryl Captains Perry's personal Secretary.

"Cheryl, cancel all appointments for this afternoon. This press conference is going to take all day".

"Oh course sir, Captain Perry. Agent Jayden Ross from the FBI is here to see you". Captain Perry turned to look at Jayden and I walk up to him.

"Egypt, why hello there". He said enthusiastically

"Hello Captain Perry". I said with a smile and a warm tone.

"Agent Ross, you have time to walk and talk. I have a conference to get to. Egypt you should come as well". I followed behind Jayden, listening in to whatever there meeting was about.

"There are press conferences being held every day now. With all the attention the Shadow Killer is getting. Can you believe he even slaughtered a kid?" Captain Perry announced.

"Oh my goodness". I said full of remorse. Why?"

"The kid didn't feel the pain luckily. He was already drained in the water. The body was cut after the fact that he was dead. I think it was a message".

"Are you sure it was him". Jayden asked.

"The body had Shadow, written on the lower abdomen". I took up a suck of breath. Things like that are more Erik's speed. Maybe he could answer the question if I asked. "This blasted tie. I can never seem to get this right". He chuckled

"I can help". Jayden reaches forwards and helped Captain Perry with his tie.

"I had a reluctance at the getting the Federal help in this case. It's been going on far to long for them to not want to get involved. To many victims getting killed". Captain Perry spoke

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