Put On A Show

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Egypt's Fit^ (3.4k words)

Egypt's POV

By morning my I had a pleasant ache running through my body. Erik was cuddling my entire body like I was a huge teddy bear, as his face was in my neck, and I could hear the snoring of his man. We had about less then 2 days to find Logan Mars alive.

I got up from the bed and stumbled to the bathroom, having to crawl rather then walk, but then again I couldn't use my legs as they hurt. I just pulled myself using my arms until I was lifted and carried into the shower room. "Thanks Erik".

"The least I could do, as this dick left you legless". He said cockily, he turned on the shower and I sat on a higher lifted tile in the back that served as a seat for maybe older people who could have stayed here.

"Erik can you help me? Please". He looked into the shower and smirked but I shut him down. "No not that help, just hand me my loofa". He did just that, but soaped it up for me, making showering much easier. The hot water relaxed my legs so I was able to stand some what.

I walked out the bathroom and Erik clapped, "The mermaid has grown legs". He chuckled

"Let's clap for the only man with a dinosaur dick". I said sarcastically but he took that as a compliment.

"Aye, even though you whined the entire time you took this dick". He smirked towards me. "That's more then I could say for any other bitch". He chuckled

"What's that supposed to mean?" I crossed my arms and looked at that handsome devil face and his features.

"Last girl, tapped out mid first round. You lasted 3".

"Pat on the back for me then, cause that was A1 dick Stevens. At least you aren't all talk". I smiled as I pulled on todays outfit.

I put my hair in a slicked back low side ponytail, then a black tube top, leather skirt and pumas. The all black outfit wasn't eye catching and because it was still chilly out I added a cropped pink puffer jacket that stopped at my waistline. Walking towards the mirror, I applied some lipgloss and Erik appeared beside me watching my lips as I applied the clear shiny substance.

"What nigga? You wanna kiss?" I said in full sarcasm.

"Hell yeah a nigga wanna kiss. You fine as fuck". He pulled me towards him and gave me a kiss and he made it sloppy. "Where the hell you going anyways? Dressed like that".

"Gotta investigate this dude named Drago, he has something to do with the apartment complex that Ethan mutilated himself in". I spoke as his face and mine were close. I placed my hands on his chest.

"Technically you mutilated him". I lightly punched him. For making me remember that, it had to be done.

"It had to be done, and you can understand why he couldn't do it". I leaned my head on his chest, as he rocked our bodies back and forth. He walked me over to the bed, pushing my puffer jacket off and I was trying my best to get comfortable, I laid my head on his chest again.

As he held my waist, the comfortability of this was extreme. I enjoyed his embrace, and his warmth. The feeling of his arms, around my body made me feel safe and I knew with Erik watching me and being around me I was safe. He was like a guardian angel

"You you think we can solve this case?" I questioned, the area around us being so quiet and calming it just made me feel all warm inside.

"You want honesty or the truth you want to hear?"

"I want honesty. I don't need a fake truth". I spoke. I felt the rising and lowering of Erik's chest also the vibration in his chest when he spoke.

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