The Orange Paper (Trial 2)

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Warning (4.1k words)

Mention of deep thoughts and rough and evil with caution.

Of course Erik drove to the power plant, the address didn't make sense to him though, the power plant was said to be abandoned. When they pulled up that wasn't the case.

The electricity was still on, which wasn't a good thing. Erik read the note again making sure he was correct which he was.

"Are you prepared to suffer to save your son?".

Looks like the both of them will be suffering today, since his soul purpose of getting out of prison was to help. Erik would kill the son of a bitch who made him have to go through this irrational bullshit.

He could be in a prison cell chilling right about now, he thought. While he inspected the power plant Ethan followed. He didn't know what else he could do rather then follow Erik.

Ethan was looking at the pieces that stuck out and looked at the electrical pieces he saw. He was nervous of the trial, he wanted to save Logan he really did. But what would suffer mean. What would be have to do? He looked around and seen the front door.

Which was locked, Erik could look at the door and see that busting it down wouldn't help. "Come on". Erik said as he made his way around the back of the power plant that still didn't sit right with him. He knew this killer had to have been smart.

Erik was already making a list of potential suspects. Then again he didn't know many people outside of Egypt, Scott and now Ethan.  He put every single one of them down as suspects. Yeah, even Ethan.

Trust nobody was his first rule, even though he and Egypt were getting romantically involved. Neither him nor her were putting feelings into anything. Egypt was still hitting herself in the head for liking it. She was supposed to keep it professional but the fact that she liked breaking the rules.

She put that in the back of her mind, as she and Paige rode to the office. With Paige having a motorcycle they were able to slip through cars and get there faster. Egypt directed Paige to her normal parking space. Then got off the bike.

They both scurried off inside the station, Paige was known in the office being Egypt's friend. Paige would always come and they would chat in Egypt's office while Egypt filed papers. It was something that they done.

Egypt and Paige walked in hand in hand, ready to see if they actually caught this psycho. They had this while male, he looked around 36 and he had tattoos covering half his body.

Egypt walked into the room behind the glass, and Paige and Egypt observed, while they interrogated this man they believed to be the killer. Hopefully it was and they could just be done with this. Then again that would be terribly easy.

Jayden came inside the room, "He has a alibi for 3 of the murders". Jayden said stressed and Lieutenant Blake followed him inside.

"That bastard was a perfect fit!" Blake said angrily we didn't find the Shadow Killer. That wasn't a surprise to Egypt. She didn't expect to find the killer this easily. She expected more, something unjustified something complicated.

Which bring us back to Ethan and Erik. Who with the help of Erik's intelligence found a back way into the power plant. They entered everything as quiet as the night that surrounded them. Inside they seen a pathway highly lit and they followed the walkway.

They came across a hatch, opening it lead to a narrow passageway that was barely big enough for a male to fit in. Made Erik wish Egypt's small body self would have been here.

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