Always There When You Need Me

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Egypt's POV (2.1k words)

Egypt's FIT ^^^

Guess who's sick AGAIN!😭

Watching as the man, raided Erik's fridge, I was terribly scared. But I knew I was going to go down fighting.

Then again, with a child upstairs was fighting really the best option? I kept second guessing myself so much that I didn't notice the man walking towards me and I didn't notice him until he stood in front of me.

He gripped my neck, and I was scared. This dude was bigger then me but he wasn't that much bigger. I could take him on, and since I have no other choice he's going to have to take me on.

I slammed my foot hardly down on his foot, then rammed my knee harshly into his groin. He backed away in pain, the impact to his goodies to sensitive for him to deal with. The pain to his precious baby holding juices have been crushed under my knee.

I looked around, rushing to find something that I could use to hurt this fool. But all Erik had around was decorated African masks and paintings. His fascination with these objects were amazing.

I ran to the kitchen, pulling a sharp knife from the knife block. "Stay back! Otherwise I won't hesitant". The male just looked at me and he could tell I was serious. He turned and immediately went towards the direction of the living room again, and I followed.

Then he made a b-line for the stairs and that's when he had me fucked up. I threw the knife piercing his side as he yelled out in pain and slowed down. He's not finna fuck with my child.

I ran past him up the stairs, being able to rush to Erik's room, and lock the door. I didn't have anywhere else to go now. Only Erik's room and the forest he told me to go through, but I had to get downstairs for that and I would never leave my son.

The loud banging started on the door and I didn't know what I was going to do. I could grab a gun but Derrick is still a baby, the blast would damage his ears. I didn't want that for him. I searched Erik's drawers for a silencer, thank the lords he's a gunman because I found one in his drawer.

I placed it on the same gun he once gifted me, and aimed for the door. But the banging stopped, just as fast as it started it stopped.

I was weirded out and creeped, then soft knocking began. "Keep knocking and imma buss a cap off in yo ass". I listened to myself speak and I started to sound like Erik.

"You really gonna cap me babygirl?"....I knew that voice. I ran towards the door unlocking it and smiling at the man on the ground and Erik standing before me. I jumped in his arms happy about him saving me and Derrick.

"Ugh your home!" I spoke loudly. "What happened, where's Gordi Hayes?" I questioned

"Dead". Erik chuckled. "He tried to hurt my seed, don't nobody do that".

"You a real softy when it come to him and I". I spoke.

"You two are the only ones I got. I don't got no family no more". He spoke

"You do have a family do. I'm your family, Derrick's your family, Paige and Jayden they are your family. We all love you Erik, and will do anything for you". I spoke sincerely. "Jayden helped me to free you from jail, and I know you don't do colonizers but Jayden's a good one".

He chuckled, "That nigga is a gangsta". He mentioned

"He rides for you Erik, and he's a FBI Agent. Now since when have you heard of the FBI giving a fuck about who they lock up?" I paused for a second. Waiting on his answer but I didn't get one. "Exactly, normal everyday officers maybe but FBI nah". I spoke with some giggles.

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