Daddy X Daughter PT 2

265 14 30

Incase y'all forgot the fit's ^^Erik and Khari

Third person

Once the food came Khari didn't even care for her wings, she wanted the fries. She loved WingStop's fries with ranch was her addiction. She kept eating them, Erik didn't mind it. He already KNEW when he bought those fries that he wasn't going to get any.

He had to encourage her to start eating the boneless wings he had gotten for her, she did indeed eat about two of them but not before she coated them things in ranch. The food not eaten was all put into one container and Erik carried it out. While Khari followed behind sipping her HI-C, like the princess she was.

Back in the car and finally being able to put his 4's back on and cover his feet. Khari put her shoes back on and then Erik awaited his next order. "Where to next baby?'

Egypt was going to make a appointment to get their makeup done but Erik didn't need to punished plus she already knew Erik wouldn't go for his babygirl wearing makeup. Especially not at her age, so instead she decided to let Khari take the lead and she did.

"I want cwothes". She spoke. So what did Erik do? He took her to the most expensive toddlers store in NYC. She was allowed to pick out whatever she wanted. She grabbed a purse and with her brain she didn't realize she was in a expensive store. She believed the purse was just a toy or something that she can play with all the time. Not a purse that women wish they could afford.

Khari was a spoiled girl, but she didn't act like it. She could get anything in the world she wanted from Erik, but she never wanted much of anything. She was such a humble kid.

"Puwse". She exclaimed.

"Purse? That's all you want?" Erik asked as she nodded. "You sure baby? Baba can get you anything you want".

"Puwse". She said again emphasizing the fact that that was all she wanted.

He shook his head with a smile and walked to the counter, buying his princess the $220 kids purse. He walked through the mall hand in hand with his daughter. Getting stares from people who walked past. The dudes were impressed with his outfit and Khari's.

"Damn man, that's tight. Cute kid".

Erik didn't care for the attention, Khari on the other hand loved it. Woman would stop and admire the cute little girl as she walked with her father. The duo got the attention mostly because of Erik's size. Erik was a huge ass man, walking around with a peanut sized baby.

Khari loved her father with all the love in her small body. When he would stop to go into stores she would hug his leg when people walked past her. She didn't like scary looking men. So every time a man with a beard especially walked past she believed he was a bad man. Then clung to Erik's leg, her small arms hugging his leg so tight like she didn't even want to let go.

He chuckled at his beautiful girl's fear, but in his heart if a man did ever intentionally scare her he'd have a issue. If any man touches her...oh that's when he gonna start killing again.

He didn't kill for money anymore but he will for his kids and his girl. "It's alright princess he works here. Wanna ask him for some candy?" Erik decided to visit a candy shop in the mall. This was a kid's dream and Khari was scared out of her mind.

She didn't even respond she just shook her head no in his leg. She was so scared she almost started to cry, but Erik put a stop to that once he felt the slightest wetness on his leg.

He picked her up, and her arms wrapped around his neck, "Aye, no tears now what did I tell you. What's your name, who are you". He asked

"I'm a Stevens". She spoke

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