Two Girls Are Better Than One

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Egypt's POV (2.8k words)

Paige and Egypt's outfit ^ they matching

Watching as Erik pulled off in my car I headed towards Paige's room. She wanted something from me and hopefully I could supply her with that help.

I knocked on her door when she opened it dressed. "Hey girl, you might wanna get dressed I don't think you've changed in days". She joked but she was right, I needed a change of clothes.

"It's been a while, wanna match up?" I asked and she nodded. She was always a sucker for matches even as kids. We used to ask our parents to buy us matching clothes.

We both agreed on what we were about to wear and we both went into our own motel rooms showered and changed then we walked out looking at each other and gassing each other up.

"Egypt girl you looking like a snack! And I want a bite!" Paige spoke excitedly

"Paige you looking like a full ass meal and I need a whole plate and one to go!" I gassed back.

"All I know is y'all both can get some". We both turned and seen the sleazy receptionist that hit on Paige before.

"Come on girl, he's a sleaze ball". Paige whispered in my ear making me laugh as she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"So y'all don't want nun".

"We're Gay!" Paige yelled and I laughed as we made our way to her motorcycle. She got on the front side and me on the back as we sped off in the light rain.

I couldn't wait for it to be sunny again. After all this cold weather and rain, I deserve a bit of sun.

"Paige where are we headed?" I said as I held on to her as she stopped at a red light. Again, we got whistles and men in cars beside us hit on us again.

"Damn shawty! Y'all looking right". We ignored and Paige pulled off fast when the light turned green. Not wanting to hear anymore.

"My friend Simon told me about the apartment where Ethan cut off his finger. The pearl street apartments are owned by someone named Baker Morgan". She said as she turned the bike onto a neighborhood street.

I hated when she turned I always got scared. She stopped in front of a decent looking house. It was nice and definitely well taken care of.

"This is the place". Paige clarified. "Maybe we can talk to him and see what he knows about the person who rented out the room it happened in".

"I mean that is a good thing to think about but Paige". She looked to me. Looking me right in the eyes, real concern in them. "Are you sure this man is legit?"

"He's a retired surgeon, and he prescribes illegal drug prescriptions".

"You do realize I'm a cop? And you do realize I should be arresting this clown?"

"But you won't because you LOOVVEE ME". She batted her eyelashes towards me. But I narrowed my eyes at her, not falling for this attempt at sorcery she was trying.

She somehow is able to make herself cry, at any given time. Which wasn't good for myself, her being my best friend she always used it against me.

I could see her eyes start to get watery, "Paige don't you dare". She poked her lips out then gave me her infamous one eye drop tear. "UGH! FINE!" I couldn't even reject her when she does that and she knew it. Which I hated that she has that power over me.

But again, that's my best friend. "Come on Egypt, I know this isn't much of a lead, but it's all I've got. And lately I feel as if I haven't been much of help. I've just been there..I wanna help".

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