Once Upon A Morning

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Third person

Okay there are 4 more after this Mmk, so imma publish 2 tonight...get ready for a ride.

Egypt finally went back into work, everyone greeting her and welcoming her back on her return. Last time they saw Egypt she was pregnant with Khari, they allowed her a vacation a 1 year long one. No it wasn't maternity leave, it was because she had slight complications with giving birth to Khari, and almost died while doing so.

So they gave her the time she needed to heal, now that Khari is 1 she decided to come back and leave the kids with Erik. She walked into her office seeing Jayden already inside with her office decorated with minor decor. Some streamers and a little glob of balloons in the corner with a fresh cinnamon donut and the regular coffee that Egypt would usually get when she worked her normal police job.

"Awe Jay". She said as she walked in giving him a squeeze.

"Is that a ring? Bling bling he popped the question?". Egypt gave him a nod. They talked about it for a hour until Egypt got a email that a head of the FBI wanted to meet with her about something. She didn't know what but she knew it was something weird.

She had to personally speak to her boss and that was weird enough as it is. When she got into his office she was immediately acknowledged and brought deeper into the room.

"Hey" she said as she was shoved into the chair.

"Your family is in danger Agent Jones". Egypt had mentioned the capture of her fiancée and son to her boss and he looked into it. He looked spooked out of his mind, looking over the facts. Those weren't just a little operation, they are apart of something big. They have been planning to take Egypt's kids for years before she even had them. Egypt has been watched for a while.

As soon as she became a government Agent she has been on their radar. "Agent Jones I need you to disappear. I mean leave the country with a different boarding pass. Hide with your family until I can figure out how to stop this. Because they will try again, and won't stop".

Egypt didn't like the fact that she just got into work and was hit with news like this. She automatically left her place of work waving to Jayden before saying a frantic hello to Erik at home.

"What's going on?"

"Those men, are apart of a bigger operation then I thought Erik. Our kids...they are in danger". Erik nodded and sprang into action following Egypt into the room. Grabbing duffels bags and filling them with clothes, if anyone knows know to change their look and disappear off the face of the earth it's Erik. He packed the kids entire drawers and carried them all downstairs into the car, then all the items from Khari's and his daddy daughter trip.

All that in a black Range Rover. It was early in the morning so he had to be careful not to wake the kids when he carried them from the bed to the car. Khari was dead tired, she didn't wake but Derrick did as Erik carried him to the car. But fell back asleep in the car.

Egypt sat in the car to watch them, Erik threw the last of the contents into the car and walked back into the lobby. Came out later with a some papers.

"Sign these". He demanded as he poked his head in the car with the papers and the pen. Egypt didn't even read the print but signed it. He returned the items and came back to the car.

"Let's disappear!" He pulled out the parking space and we had to leave the bikes behind. Egypt was going to miss them, as she payed for them. But she could always just get another one.

Erik drove in silence as Egypt looked back at her kids sleeping peacefully in the back seat. Erik bundled them in their blankets, so they were both inside blankets and didn't even change them from their pajamas.

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