Hayes' Party

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Third Person (3.3k words)

Egypt's fit^^

Guys...I had the most AMAZING dream about Chadwick...idc y'all sleeping on him😭 he was so nice to me and he was driving me around and we was talking (cuz we was dating) bruh when he said

"You got work? alright I'll drop you off, cause I gotta go pick up something".

Bruh I felt like I had my entire life together and shit...I was actually mad when I woke up..shiddd I'm still mad now anyways story now

Scott had a lead he wanted to follow up on before the typewriter. Something that he hoped  would get him to the killer. Which he enlisted the help of Egypt and Erik on this one. Not knowing how dangerous it could be.

So he had to get to the precinct, to collect the pair in his car. Which it wasn't as fancy as Egypt but it'll do.

"Hey Scott". Egypt greeted happily.

"Hey Officer Jones. Glad to finally work with you not over the phone". He chuckled

"I know". Egypt replied matching Scott's chuckle. "Where are we headed though Scott?"

"To the Hayes' home". He spoke.

"Woah!" Egypt spoke. Erik looked to her confusion laced in his eyes. Egypt already knew he needed to be enlightened. "The Hayes are one of the richest family's in New York. Under the Jones family you know who they are right?". Erik shook his head, yes.

"Well yeah. The Jones are number 1, I'm pretty sure it's their secret daughter that keeps them the talk of the town". Egypt spoke.

"Yeah. I really do wonder who their daughter could be. What she could be in her 20's about now and we still don't know about her". Scott commented from the front seat.

"I bet she's beautiful. Mr. Jones is a handsome man". Lauren commented from the passenger side.

"Ew that's my dad". Egypt said in her head. She's had many conversations about her father to people. But she's always said. "Ew". Every time someone called her father handsome or bomb or fine. She didn't like it and maybe if people knew he was her father they'd stop talking to her about him but alas she didn't tell anyone. She was just another Jones, just someone with a common last name.

"Well let's hurry and get to this party, I can't wait to see their mansion. I've heard many things". Egypt said as the rain around poured. She was lucky it was light, they needed some more leads quickly before rain water kills Logan Mars.

Scott stopped his car at a gated entrance to a mansion. They all just sat there for a minute, you know the usual thing. Stop and wait to see if this is the place the driver meant to pull up at.

Which when Scott got out the car it was the go ahead for everyone to get out into the rain as well.

"Lauren I think you should stay in the car". Scott suggested as Lauren still proceeded to get out the car.

"We're partners remember. Wherever you go I go". She spoke making Egypt remember their agreement of before. She still couldn't believe he allowed Lauren to partner with him in this case. But she didn't even speak on it, she had already said her peace, she didn't need to nag on the matter as it wouldn't have gotten her anywhere.

Scott walked up to the gate, which was slightly opened. Two guards were hanging around the slightly opened gate and didn't say anything to Scott as he walked past them inside the gates. That just made everyone else follow behind. They did stop Erik though.

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