Golden Paper (Trial 1)

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(2.5k words) Egypt's POV

Sorry for late update it's 2pm and I literally can't stop sleeping 😭 I'm prolly finna go back to sleep after this...idky I'm so tired

I quickly left the police office quickly, needing to go ahead and find my lead quickly. Ethan was my only lead to this right now. I ushered Erik to the car and let him get inside as I did as well.

"I'm sorry Erik, Blake is a fucking asshole. I should have done more". I didn't get a response so I just drove in the rain, driving around until hopefully I could find and spot Ethan's car.

I didn't know how long we were driving for but I seen some man standing out a car repair shop. He was starting to get soaked and I was wondering if he was alright. Being a cop it's my job.

I pulled up on him and rolled the window down, "Hello Sir. Is everything alright? It's pouring out".

"Yeah I'm fine". He turned to me and noticed him quickly.

"Mr. Mars. Nice to see you again". I smiled but he didn't. He just looked more nervous then before. But I knew he remembered my face.

"Hello Officer. Everything is good over here. Thanks". I knew he was hiding something so I stepped out the car. He was holding some piece of golden paper and I looked at it.

"What you got there?" I said smiling.

"Nothing". He said quickly

"Now, Mr. Mars. I know you met my partner before. You remember? That big guy, with dreads, muscles for days. Yeah, he's inside that car right now". I pointed over to my car getting rain all over it. "He could get answers from you and I'm sure he's not going to be as easy as me. I don't want to do that but I will, so make things easy. Now I'm going to ask you again, what you got there?"

His shaking hand slowly handed the paper over to me, allowing me to read the first sentence.

"Are you prepared to show courage to save your son?" I read aloud. "The killer sent this to you?! You got a message from the killer!"

"He sent me a locker ticket, please officer. I need to do this. This is the first trial I can't save Logan without it". Ethan was frantic, he really wanted to help his son, and getting the police involved could potentially ruin that.

"Why wouldn't you go to the police, get help from professionals?!" I exclaimed

"They would get Logan slaughtered!" In his eyes you could tell he must have thought this through. Taking a double take I did as well, the police wouldn't be as discrete with it, they would definitely get the killers attention and make him kill Logan, so he can avoid getting caught.

"Fine...I understand. Then just let me help you, no police force just me and my partner. I want  to strike a deal with you Ethan. You allow me to help you with these...trials. With my help you will have a better chance at living through them. I won't get the rest of the force involved just me you and him". I gave him a genuine smile hopefully he would go for it. Because I was going to help no matter what his answer was.

He's hesitated and that's when I picked it up, "Come on Ethan. I want Logan back home just as much as you do. I can't have another child die while I'm heading this case. So please let me help you". Then I decided to appeal to his fatherly side of things. "What's going to happen to poor Logan if you get hurt during these trials huh? Logan could die and the police won't be able to save him then you both would have died in vain. I know you don't want to lose your life Ethan."

I watched something in his eyes shift, his eyes were full of sadness. Thinking about his son, then himself and he slowly nodded. "Alright you can help. But no entire police squad!"

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