The Green Paper (Trial 3)

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Third person (2.1k words)

Egypt and Erik were dropped off at her actual apartment. Scott didn't know that they weren't staying there at the moment but it was the thought that counted. Egypt thanked Scott as he pulled off with Lauren and then when they were out of sight she called a Uber.

She checked her wallet, for cash as she noticed she didn't have any. There was a ATM down the street that she could get to, and as she turned to walk, Erik gripped her waist and pulled her back as the Uber pulled up.

"Erik I need to get cash!" Egypt erupted as Erik just pushed her into the car. The Uber sped off in her requested direction as Erik sat without words.

As soon as they pulled up, Erik handed the driver a $100 dollar bill and shoved Egypt out. As of now he was looking like a abusive boyfriend. The driver even looked suspicious. But you know, he was just a super criminal.

As we pulled up to the police station they both got inside Egypt's car. Erik actually suggested that he himself drive. Which Egypt allowed him to, which she quickly regretted.
He was a man who liked to swerve, but he looked good driving. Which was a bad and plus, she'd let him drive just because he looked good while doing it but he was a reckless and fast driver.

They finally got back to the hotel and Egypt was finally able to breath correctly. She hoped to get started right away with these trials and hopefully she could finish them. Now that Ethan was a wanted suspect things are getting worse then before.

The police will be looking for Ethan now, but Egypt couldn't tell him that yet. For now she'd keep him out the public eye and work on the trials as fast as possible. There were only three left and about 60 more hours before Logan Mars would be found dead. 

She banged on Ethan's motel room door, and he opened up quickly. "Next trial Ethan lets get to it!" Egypt said while clapping. Ethan had already peaked at the third trial.

He held up a green piece of paper. Then read off it aloud, "Are you ready to make a sacrifice to save your son?"

"Uh..uh sacrifice, what does he mean by that?" Egypt spoke and Ethan shrugged his hands.

"I wish I knew, but we got to get out of here". He spoke as he left the motel room but Egypt made sure to step in front of him Erik behind him.

As they both escorted him to Egypt's car, pushing him in the back seat. Good thing Egypt's windows are tinted, no clue what the police would do it they saw their new suspect in the back of Egypt's car.

Egypt took the green paper from Ethan, reading the address and in putting it into her GPS. It didn't make sense any of these trials. She thought back to the car garage area, where the man said that car has been in there for 2 years.

This Shadow Killer has been killing for 2 years. How could he have left a car for a victim he didn't know he was going to have in the future. All these thoughts didn't sit well with Egypt, she was starting to feel queasy and lightheaded.

"Yo! Shawty you aight?!" Erik called out, and Egypt didn't respond. "Yo! Pull over dawg". Egypt did as told, Erik got out the car and walked around. Egypt just scooted over inside the car taking over the passenger's seat. Erik drove, while Egypt relaxed in the passenger's seat in silence.

Her lead grazing against the window as she leaned on it, everything was fine until she accidentally dozed off. She wasn't awoken, at all. She woke up herself when she noticed her car was stopped and she looked around.


No Erik, no Ethan, nobody, she looked around to see a abandoned apartment building. She checked the time, the men should have just gotten here. So when she got up, and out of the car she jogged inside the building. Hearing the stairs make noises as her shoes rubbed against them.

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