Crime Scene

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I also want to give a warning that I didn't in the description. This story isn't soft..I will add trigger warnings in all the chapters that are harsh but like I said this story isn't for little kids or easily offended adults.

Read with this warning in your head. Will be graphic descriptions of events that aren't so nice. Also sexual scenes that aren't like the ones I've written in other stories.

And I know I've written some pretty graphic SMUT scenes. But non of them are going to be as graphic and as serious as the ones in this story. And that for one is why if you ain't in high school or over then exit this story or keep reading and learn some new things about the body your choice

The next morning I was on call, a body was found. Didn't know who it could be, but I had a hunch already. Since I had my own case I didn't have to add my uniform on so I didn't. Any chance I could avoid wearing my officers uniform I did.

No shame to it, it just wasn't stylish. It was raining out, like always so I had to dress warm. I also had to take Erik out shopping. This dude needed a lot of clothes. I went out and just brought him a jacket for now, but that would only last until he needed more clothes. I couldn't have him out there looking like a bum wearing the same clothes everyday.

He seemed to have lots of clothes in that bag of his though. I didn't question it but there had to be something besides clothes in that bag. It was far to heavy for it to have just been clothes. I barely got it off the ground! I placed on some black jeans and a sweater. Then a cute trench coat over it.

I wanted to be warm so that's what I was going to do. My phone rang once and it was a text from Scott, he was letting me know he got a call from Lauren. She's going to meet him soon, hopefully nothing to bad happens.

I fed Erik for the morning as I knew how much he ate. Then we headed out, living with this man was costing a fortune. Good thing my parents have that and make that weekly. They would soon be questioning why I'm spending so much.

Of course I didn't use their money all the time, I used my debit card for a lot of the items for Erik. He needed a lot of care, and looking at his hair he needed his dreads to be re-twisted.

I know he was a convict but he didn't need to look like it. He didn't care, every time we walked out he still got stares from women. I got nasty glares probably because I was with him. I didn't care but it was weird that women would act like that for a man they didn't even know. Especially this lunatic, his record was so long you could wrap you body with it. These woman think they want a hood dude or a dude that's been in the pen. They didn't want this dude.

He wasn't just in the pen, he was in a SUPERMAX Penitentiary. TRAINED guards jump at the sight of his eyeball twitch. These women didn't know who they were looking at. He could snap their necks with no effort and probably get away with it. Seeing as he wouldn't have even been arrested if he didn't turn himself in.

I ignored the stares of women that probably wanted to hope on this man dick, and just kept to myself. Escorting prisoner 01685 to my Nissan GT-R again. If we were going to pull up to a crime scene might as well do it in style. We both already looked good, so might as well have style in the ride as well.

I was afraid of what I would find, but I didn't want to let that stop me from doing my job. By what the Chief said, there will be a FBI agent wanted to speak to me on this case. The drive was silent like always, I expected more.

To be working with the most dangerous man of all time, you'd think he'd be more talkative. Or at least interesting. I guess being the strong silent type is better because I couldn't lie. I did fear him occasionally when he did crazy things. Like lifting that man into the air, with only one hand. His strength has to be incredible for that.

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