The Hard Part

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Third person (2k words)

Egypt fit^^^ Music in this chapter ^^

Egypt didn't know how she managed to be on top of this man, riding him off into the sunset. But she was, and oh was it nice knowing she might not see him for a long ass time after this.

She had successfully convinced Captain Perry to let her keep Erik for the rest of the night before they took him back. They had just gotten home from the warehouse and Egypt's bed had been begging to be christened.

The springs squeaking with each bounce of Egypt's. The ride was exhilarating, Erik was groaning lowly, making the whole scene pleasurable.

"Fuck Erik". Egypt moaned as she started to slow her movements. His size being a lot to ride for long periods of time. He flipped them both over, not much talking came from them, seeing as it would be to sad. Erik was being forced back to prison, but that didn't mean Egypt's work was done.

Although she solved the case of the Shadow Killer she had lots of things she needed to take care of first.

Erik was now pounding into her like there was no tomorrow which for them there wasn't. Erik was going back and there was no avoiding it. He made sure to deep stroke her the entire time. Making sure to hit her cervix a few times to make her lose her mind.

The sex with Erik was great tonight, she watched as the semen he produced drip out of her, he collapsed beside her and she dipped out.

When she was awoken it was with her door getting knocks on it and the cops came with chains and the muzzle again. Erik didn't fight them, he looked into Egypt as they cuffed his hands in front of his body, then his legs.

Egypt didn't want to let a tear slip but she couldn't hold it. Her best-friend was being taken away from her yet again. She ran up grabbed his cheeks and gave him a passion filled kiss. "I'm going to get you out....I promise".

"I know you good for it". Erik chuckled. "You my ride or die shawty?".

"Forever and always". Egypt said casually as her tears fell from her face.

"Don't be giving my pussy away". He chuckled as they slipped the muzzle on his face. She smiled lightly as they walked him out of her apartment.

She ran to her window and watched him get into the van, but he caught her looking like he always did. She waved to him, and he just winked. He was inside the back of a black van in seconds and was gone just as fast as he came into her life.

Egypt couldn't handle the feelings in her body, so she went immediately to her room and slept it all off. All the days she missed sleep, she went days without sleep trying to save Logan and now that she has...she deserves some sleep.

She collapsed on her bed, her tears kept falling but she knew she'd get Erik out. No matter the cost.

It was about 9pm at night in New York when Egypt went to sleep, and it was about 10 am the next day when she decided to wake up. She has never slept that well or long in her life. She slept so good she thought she died.

3 weeks later

That didn't last long as when she woken up on the exact day a month later, she wished she had actually died. Her best friend was really gone...he was. She missed him and it'only been 3 weeks. But that meant it was time to put in some work. Nothing less for Erik...Egypt was determined. She was getting her best friend out no matter the cost of it all.

It was a good time of year, fall was ending and the rain was coming to a close. All the shorts were being brought out and Egypt liked the fact that she would be able to make a statement.

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