Russel's Shop

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Third person (2.1k words )

Scott Norman's assignment from Egypt was to look up the families of the killer's victims and ask them a couple questions. So that's what he's been up for for the past 2 days while Egypt and Erik have been having their own party. Scott was taking up a lead right now.

Russel Huma, was a Indian man, his son was one of the early victims of the Shadow Killer. Scott pulls up to a convenience store, which is owned by Russel. He aims to only ask Russel a few questions about the killer and his son. But of course you know that's not about to be easy.

Walking into the shop he sees Russel standing behind the counter, he smiles and Russel gives him a nice greeting. "Hello, sir".

The convenience store is empty but with it being 9:52pm he didn't expect it to be packed. He didn't even understand why Russel would keep it open this long. His son Reza was killed by the Shadow Killer, kidnapped in broad daylight.

Just looking at Russel, one glance his way and you could tell that he knew something. You could look at him and tell the times have been rough. Something in his eyes revealed the sorrow in his heart.

Scott went over and leaned over on to the front desk. "Can I help you sir?" He questioned

"I hope so". He chuckled. "I'm Scott Norman, I'm investigating the case of the Shadow Killer. I was hoping to ask you a few questions about your son Reza". He spoke in his honeyed voice hoping to get Russel to cooperate.

"My son is dead Mr. Norman". He said blankly. "I have nothing more to add to it".

"Another victim was kidnapped. A 10-year-old boy. Like your son Reza.". Scott's modulated voice was calming to listen to. "I have 4 days before we find his body on a deserted piece of wasteland".

"Nobody did anything to save my son". Russel's voice was full of sorrow but his facial expression was still blank.

"I lose someone I love as well-" Scott was cut off by the pain struck Russel.

"Then you would understand that I don't want to talk about it". Russel snapped, Scott looked at this like it was a let down and turned to leave, but stopped.

"Do you carry painkillers. At least I won't leave empty handed".

"To the back of the store to the right". His Indian accent getting stronger as he wasn't trying to hide it anymore.

"Thanks". Scott walked to the back of the store, stepping on a open bag of chips, that was spilled on the floor. He continued walking towards the back of the shop seeing exactly what he needed.

As Scott was at the back of the store the bell to the store rang again. Notifying that there was another customer for the night. A man with a black beanie walked inside, he looked disturbed.

"Good evening sir". Russel greeted him, but didn't get any answer. The unknown man paced back and forth in front of the register. "Something I can help you with?"

The specified male stopped and pulled a gun from his hoodie pocket. "Give me all the money in the register!". He demanded. Russel's hands flew up in the air in surrender. "Are you deaf!? Give me all the money!"

"No. I have worked very hard to get that money you will not be taking it from me". Russel was being a little to bold for a man being held at gun point. Which was already scary enough as it is. Does he not care for his life? He could make this easy and just hand the money over. But alas he was letting his pride get to him and stop him from just doing the one thing that could potentially save his life.

It wasn't like Egypt could be of any help right now. Scott could call her but the sound of his voice could give away the fact that he's even in the store. His only advantage right now was that the robber thinks he's alone with Russel. A text could also very much help, but then again what's the possibility that she would even get here in time. Scott was alone on this one, so he had to think quickly.

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