The Gray Paper (Trial 5)

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Third person (2k words)

Egypt's fit^

"Where you going". Erik asked as he watched Egypt get dressed in the bathroom. She was slipping on a pair of distressed jeans when he has asked.

"I have to talk with Mary". Egypt replied as she slipped a nude hoodie over her head. It was cold out and she didn't plan on wearing a cop top around someone's elderly mother. She grabbed a darker beige Air Force 1's and slipped them on her feet.

Then grabbed another jacket to barricade her from the cold. A olive green camo jacket. She looked warm as also fly. She turned to Erik, looking him in his eyes. "I'll be back alright". She smiled as she grabbed the keys to her bike.

Erik, Paige and Ethan were still camping out at her apartment. Erik was posted up on her bed with Ethan and Paige were in the spare bedroom.

"You finna leave me alone with 4 fingers". Erik complained

"You have Paige". Egypt retaliated

"She busy with 4 fingers". His eyes rolled, he had thought he was coming with Egypt but was denied.

"Erik, you know I would love to bring you. But she's elderly and your scary".

"Let me stay by the bike then, I don't have to come in with you". Erik bargained and she knew she wasn't going to get away with leaving without backup.

"Fine, but you go NO WHERE NEAR, Mrs. Cage you hear me". Egypt said sternly and he nodded hands in the air.

"Fine". He spoke

"Let's go then". Egypt said they took her bike. It was more discreet. Egypt held on tight to the man riding the bike. She squeezed his waist, as he drove on the street and we ended up having to take a freeway to get to the nursing home she lived in now.

She was old, and her memory wasn't the best. Egypt was sure it was because she could have Alzheimer's. She was elderly and the death of her son drove her to sickness. Egypt couldn't believe she didn't divorce her husband after the death of their child.

Egypt would have, she might have killed her husband.

Erik stopped the bike, and Egypt released her death grip on Erik's waist. Hoping off the bike. "Was you scared? You was holding a nigga tight".

"Nigga if I was scared I wouldn't have bought myself a bike. You just reckless as shit when you drive". She joked as she handed the dark helmet to Erik to hold as she went inside. "Don't move!". She said sternly, she turned as walked in. Swaying her hips a little extra to give him a show before she stepped inside the nursing home.

"Hello, I'm Officer Jones. I'm here to see Mary Cage". I said nicely as the office lady just pointed to a form on the front desk. I visitors form. I happily filed it out needing to speak with the elderly woman before she forgot anything else.

She looked to the receptionist and got the room number to Mary's room. From what she's been told Mary hasn't had a visitor since she's gotten here. Over 10 years barely anyone has visited her.

You'd think the son would come visit his mother. "Room 19". She said to Egypt with a smile. Egypt took heed and walked down to the room, the hallway was long narrow and very fairly lit.

She just walked down the halls, getting ready to get the answers she needed. While she walked she thought about everything that had happened everything that lead up to this point in time.

From her getting the case til now, she never thought that she'd work with her long time best friend, she never thought she'd head a case, she never thought that she'd be able to use her martial arts skills. Everything she has done was magical up until that moment she noticed Erik staring at Scott with crazy eyes.

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