The Baby Blue Paper (Trial 4)

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Third Person (2.1k words)

Erik and Egypt got back to the motel, it was time for another trial. Egypt got a call from Paige, she had something she wanted to part take in. She didn't think she would need any man strength. Paige already knew Egypt could hold her own in a fight, and with what she had in mind she wouldn't need any men.

Or so she thought.

Egypt explained to Erik the entire walk up the stairs, that he needed to keep his face covered at all times, never move in public without his hood on. If the police saw him alone with Ethan, they would surely kill Erik in a heart beat.

"Princess..chill aight!" He said as they stopped at Ethan's door.

"I'm just trying to make sure you don't die". She spoke, worry all in her voice.

"If I do". He shrugged. "Oh well".

"NEVER..say that Erik!". Egypt smacked his chest

"Why". He smirked, "Don't know what you going to do if I'm dead". He chuckled at my silence.

"No, I just don't want to be known at the only cop who got her partner killed". She then chuckled as Erik kissed his teeth. "Be safe...and obey the law!" She said as she started to walk away but was grabbed and turned to face him again. His face dangerously close.

"If I did that..would I even be here right now". He said his warm breath hitting her lips. Egypt pushed her lips against his, not being able to take the temptation of not doing so. She just wanted to feel his lips once more.

The way his lips danced against her's were so comforting, that it made Egypt never want to stop. But she eventually had to for air.

"You always doing sum huh". He spoke making Egypt chuckle.

"You make it hard to resist". Egypt started heading towards Paige's room, when she jolted harshly in pain, but pleasure. "Ouch Erik! You always doing that!". She rubbed the back of her now stinging ass cheek

"Just claiming my property". He yelled as he stepped inside Ethan's place.

Erik watched as Ethan walked deeper into the room, handing him the baby blue paper. Erik was suddenly happy that Egypt wasn't with him, because of what the next trial was.

"Are you prepared to kill someone to save your son". The note read and Erik smirked. If Ethan didn't kill this clown he sure would.

He noticed the address on the paper, he had been meaning to kill this clown for a while. He was a drug dealer, who also has a history of raping, and selling women for sex trafficking.

He didn't deserve to break air on this world any longer then he already has. Taking advantage of women, hurting them, impregnating them without their permission. It was disgusting, people that evil didn't deserve to live comfortably.

Victor Zombrino, owns a entire complex, Egypt had given her keys to Erik again leaving herself ride less. So Erik used her car to get where he was going, he didn't see Egypt but she did watch as he pulled out the motel and leave.

She saw him wave, that slick bastard did see her. Can't sneak up on him whatsoever. Erik and Ethan sat inside the car in silence, as Erik drove. Erik was excited while Ethan wasn't.

The gun in the box that was given to Ethan was in his hands. Shaking around, Ethan's jittery hand was shaking the gun.

His hand was bandaged now, his finger healing. Although he'd now never give high 5's anymore it was all worth it to be able to hold his son in his arms once more hopefully.

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