Police News, Couple's Blues

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Third Person (2.8k words)

Guys I don't know why but I'm full of ideas for books. Like I just made another book rn😭 I need to stop

"No...you aren't serious". Egypt said aloud again, getting very emotional about the situation.

Her friend, no her bestest friend once upon a time. The one boy who she shared her first kiss with. The same boy who shared his apple slices with her when they sat on the steps. The same boy that when she had a bad day and missed her parents terribly because they worked to often would invite her over get her food and comfort her with movies is standing right before her.

"What happened to you". She spoke looking at Erik in a new way. Sizing him up and down knowing that this was her long time friend. He's changed, nothing like the little boy she was raised with.

"Oh you know, dad died. Foster homes. The system". He chuckled. "Shit got tuff for little N'Jadaka". He said his eyes narrowing and his head directed completely towards Egypt.

His evil eyes, Egypt was fearful now. She activated something evil in this man, that she's never seen before. Something deep inside him that was very dangerous to her health.

"Don't talk like that, are you insane!"

"You want to be totally honest. Maybe". Then he chuckled loudly. "Not like it matters huh?"

"It does so fucking matter you psycho. Your crazy. Not only that I'm crazy for thinking I could work with you!" Egypt stormed over and looked through the duffel bag, checking for some of her clothes which she stuffed into her bag.

"The hell you doing". Erik asked

"I'm leaving, I'm done with you and whatever it is you are. You thing!" She spoke as she headed towards the door.

"Aight, want your food though. If not starve not like I give a fuck".

"Fuck you and your food. Solve this case on your own, little ass boy". She said and she made sure to slam the door as she left. She went immediately to Paige's room, which she was let in immediately.

"What's wrong girlie. You look like you about to be sick". Paige commented

"Because I am!" Egypt turned and leaned over the safety railing outside. Blowing chunks over the rail. Paige held her hair in the rain as she did so. Once Egypt was done they both went inside the room while Paige helped Egypt. "N'Jadaka is back".

"Wait! Little Ninnie? Where you see him? Did you tell him I said hi?". Paige said excitedly

"Go tell him yourself. He's in my motel room".

Paige was confused at my comment, "Why is he in your hotel room? Ain't Erik in there right now?"

Egypt chuckled, "Who's Erik? That man in there ain't Erik".

Paige's eyes opened wide, "No, you ain't saying that-".

"Erik is N'Jadaka Paige". Egypt said blankly. Leaning over on her side and relaxing herself she couldn't really believe this. "Me and you are solving this case on our own. I can't work with him alright".

"Egypt. I understand. But you aren't usually the one to run away. Remember the one girl who told me to never run away from something no matter how difficult".

"This isn't something...this is just its....". Egypt dragged on trying to find a excuse.

"It's another something Egypt. You can deal with this. No matter how much he's changed. That's little Ninnie in there". She stood from her seat and pulled Egypt to her feet.

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