Sleazy Place

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By morning she found herself resting on something was wasn't her pillow. She slowly opened her eyes and came in contact with her doorway. She jolted up and looked down and it was Erik's chest she was now resting on.

She couldn't believe she let her guard down. She should have forced him to sleep in the other room. She should have kept her ground made him understand who the boss is. Let him know that he's out on her dime.

He could be rotting in a cell right now if it wasn't for chief and herself. Nobody in the office was willing to work with Erik. That's why she was given the case is what she found out. James was actually given the case before her, but he declined saying, "I refuse to go down in history working with someone who doesn't care for the law".

Others said things much worse about Erik, as she was sure he didn't care it was still shameful, the things they said about him. She almost felt bad. Knowing Erik probably wouldn't ever have a wife or kids. People to love him like he should because everything was so afraid of him.

People that didn't even know what he did are afraid of him. The people in her office were surprised that one of the only girls in the office decided to take on the case. It made all the men in there look like chumps.

She didn't care, she had a task and she was planning on completing it no matter the choices. No matter the sacrifices, the dangers, the risks. This was her moment her chance at a shining moment. All she wanted was to prove to her superiors that she was worth it. This ongoing case was close to being in a drawer and remain to be unsolved.

She wanted to be the person to close the case. Her being a woman and African American it was going to take some convincing to her pears that she was even worth the risk.

After she got out of bed she was able to find something to put on for the day. She didn't want to make it obvious that she was in the force. So she went with street style.

Walking into her walk in closet she needed something that looked casual and cute at the same time. Something that made her look friendly but not to creepy. So she went with some distressed boyfriend jeans, and a black cropped hoodie. Luckily she had a mirror inside her walk-in-closet. She looked at herself for a minute and liked the causal style. She placed on some white high top converse, and cuffed her jeans to complete the look.

Her hairstyle was going to be natural as she didn't like adding heat to her hair often. Her long Indian hair was pulled into a ponytail at the top of her head. Her hair being so long the hair still managed to touch her mid back. She carefully took her toothbrush and added product to it. Brushing it up against her baby hairs and swooping then to perfection. Just the way she liked it anyways.

She left the closet and seen Erik digging through the rummage of the bag that she was so curious about. He pulled out chest armor, the plates on the chest part looking like it was made of metal. He threw it on the bed, then grabbed a T-shirt and some black jeans. He walked past Egypt and into the shower room. Taking a quick 15 minutes rinse. When he came out the bathroom was entirely foggy.

"Damn. Ain't never had no hot water before". She commented

"Not in 7 years, nah". He replied nonchalantly, while slipping his T-shirt on. His black jeans already on his body. Egypt could already tell this man was a hot head. He didn't care about a thing, probably why he ended up in jail in the first place.

"Come Stevens. Let me feed you and we can start this day".

She did exactly what she said she would, she had her own waffle maker so she could make waffles that were very thick. She could only eat one herself so she figured 2 would satisfy Erik.

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