Our First Meet Up

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Third person (3k words)

Paige was finding it very uncomfortable to sleep in her apartment. With her insomnia she figured the only way she was going to get herself some sleep is if she gets out her apartment. So putting on some jeans and a jacket she made her ways downstairs to her motorcycle and sat upon it. Turning it on and hearing the engine roar she turned the handle bars to get a louder sound.

Sliding her helmet over her head she propped herself up on the bike and cranked the handle bars again and pulled off. Driving down the street, the rain was slowing. It was at barely a drizzle as of now.

The wind blew at her jacket as she drove against the wind. Pulling up at this motel, that was outside of town. She didn't really park in a normal parking space, she just pulled along side the front desk reception area. She got off the bike left the helmet on the handle bars and walked slowly inside the reception area.

It was small, dingy and messy but she was exhausted and needed sleep. She seen a bell on the desk and rang it, the sound of a flush and a door behind the desk opened. Revealing a sleazy receptionist. He was older looking and his approach to Paige was creepy.

"Well hello there darling. What can I do for you". His voice was irritating to the human ear.

"I'd like a room".

"For you, anything". He bent low, coming up up with a registration form. "Fill out the registry". He handed her the paper and a pen. Paige quickly filled it out, handing it back to him.

"Paige Jenson, 24, single. How long will you be staying with us Ms. Jenson".

"I don't know yet". She responded quickly and irritatedly wanting to get away from this obnoxious receptionist.

"Room 201, last floor stairs to the right of the courtyard". Paige took the keys and turned leaving the room.

"Thanks". She said on the way out.

"Pleasures all mine". He said sneakily

"That's for sure". She mumbled lowly as she exited his view. All he was staring at on her way out was her backside. Trying to get a good view before she was out his view. She headed straight for the stairs hugging herself.

"That obnoxious receptionist better not have a spare key to my room". Paige thought. She had 3 sets of stairs to walk up. Which she did with no issue. As she got on the last level she spotted something.

"There's a group of people. Are they injured?" She asked herself in her head. She didn't think she could leave them there so she walked towards them. Before breaking out into a run noticing who the group of people were. "EGYPT!" She yelled. Egypt looked up seeing Paige. "Oh my god, who's this". Paige called out

"Doesn't matter! Please help him to his room". Egypt said. Paige swung the man's arm over her neck and asked him some questions.

"Which room?" She asked Ethan

"207". He breathed out as she walked him to his room. Egypt finally turned to look at Erik. She didn't like the view.

"Oh my gosh Erik!". Egypt hurried to the car and grabbed the duffel bag. Then rushed back up the stairs. She couldn't believe that Erik was acting as if nothing was wrong. She grabbed his hand and pulled him into their motel room. 205. Then closed and locked the front door.

She was sure that Paige would help Ethan and while she did that she had to help Erik. Who was also bleeding from the head, except unlike Ethan he acted as if it wasn't even there.

Egypt wouldn't say this aloud but she was taking a huge liking to Erik. She liked his company, right now she wanted to thank him. For basically saving her from massive injury.

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