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Third Person (2k words)

Upon waking at 7:30 in the morning, Egypt woke to a fully dressed Erik. He was also scarfing down food. Probably something Paige made for him seeing as she wasn't in bed. She walked in a few minutes later. "Good your up" she was holding a plate with a omelet on it and she handed it to Egypt with a knife and a fork.

She sat on the bed beside Egypt and Egypt set the plate down. "Thanks, but you didn't have to I could have done it. Plus he eats a lot". She pointed over to Erik. Who was still scarfing down the food.

"I realized". She chuckled. "I like that he enjoys my food so I was fine with making him 3 omelets". Egypt giggled and picked the plate back up and ate a quarter of the omelet leaving a lot on the plate. But it was fine because she had her own personal garbage disposal.

"Hmm Erik". She handed him the plate and he accepted with no issue. She would have eaten but she wasn't a morning eater, She didn't get hungry much in the morning.

"So with this case...". Paige dragged on. "Where do we start.

'By the looks of it the police station's got nothing. And right now the only clues we have are lying with the only person who can help right now.".

"Who is that?"

"Ethan Mars". Egypt spoke. Paige's head tilted and she needed further answers. "His son was kidnapped and I'm sure it was by the Shadow killer. So that could only mean we have 4 days before we find his body on a wasteland. I for one don't want a murder to happen while I'm on the case. So this might be the hardest thing ever. I'm telling you this now in case you want to back out. I'd never want you to put your life at risk without knowing it".

"I'm willing to help you Egypt.". She reassured and Egypt was glad to have someone like Paige on her side of things.

After some allowed time for Egypt to get dressed Egypt and Erik left Paige's apartment.
Just giving Paige some time to simmer and realize what's she getting herself into before she actually does.

By tomorrow hopefully she will be able to add her personal help to things. Having a person like Paige helps with talking with people. Not everyone would trust a cop, which is why Egypt hardly wore her uniform. She always wore street style making herself more presentable to talk with.

It's a fact that most people are more comfortable with talking with a random girl on the street rather then a police officer. Mostly because a random girl won't come back to your house in the middle of the night with a search warrant or a warrant for your arrest.

Erik and Egypt were heading down to Egypt's house, needing a change of apparel. They both still wore the same clothes as yesterday. Showing up to talk to someone in joggers and Ugg's and with Erik looking just as relaxed wasn't a message Egypt was trying to send.

So she took a stop off at her apartment and got ready for the long days ahead of them. She didn't know when they would ever be back at her place for a change so she would have to make a essentials trip. Packing everything she and Erik would need for the time being.

She grabbed a duffle bag and stuffed it with her own clothes, then stuffed it with items bought for Erik. His much larger T-shirt's and jeans inside the same duffel bag. The less luggage the better. She grabbed hygiene essentials as well, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair care, a few face masks, her facial cleanser, and her edge slaying kit and medical supplies. She decided that was all she needed for her and Erik. Anything else she could use her black card for.

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